Morning Sickness

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Harry was on his way back from the studio. There was a power shortage that needed an electrician's help, so everyone was sent home, unfortunately. During his drive home, you called him. "Hey, Kitten!" Harry chirped with a smile.

"Ha... Ha... *Hrk* Oh, fuck," You whimpered. Before Harry could even ask if you were okay, he heard the unmistakable sound of vomit biles behind loaded into the toilet, the coughs and groans of your voice he adored. "Oh, Kitten," Harry cooed, hearing the phone hit the ground.

No matter how long it took, Harry stayed on the phone until you were done and able to lift the phone, "I'm assuming you heard that?" You wheezed, making Harry sigh, "I did, Kitten, and I guess this was meant to happen because the studio had an electric shortage and I'll be home in less than five minutes, okay?" He said softly earning a whimper from you.

Just as he said, he was there in less than five minutes. He helped you clean up and made you take medicine before you were smothered with cuddles and kisses for the rest of the day.


The two of you were planning out what to get in your baby's nursery. You both sat in the empty guest room that was right beside your shared one on the floor. Louis hand the computer on his lap while you sat next to him, your arms wrapped around one of his, your chin resting on his shoulder.

"Oh! Maybe we should put the crib over there!" Louis suggested, clicking back on the tab of the crib you had been thinking of ordering. When he got no response, he turned to face you, "Y/n? You okay?" He asked, all excitement leaving his tone. "I--*hrk* I--" before you tried at third time, you ripped yourself from your boyfriend and sprinted off to the bathroom, Louis calling your name and chasing you.

As soon as you reached the bathroom, you fell to your knees in front of the toilet, practically ripped off the seat before throwing up your breakfast that you had eaten less than an hour ago. The bathroom light flicked on and the fast footsteps that trailed behind you came to an end. "Oh, Y/n..." Louis gasped, covering his mouth with his hand, grimacing at the sight of what he made and also consumed come out only half digested.

Biting back the hatred of the sight of the food leaving your system, he made his way to your side, kneeling down and wrapping his arms around you from behind after regretting getting the side view. Your hair was already up so all he had to do was just ease you through it. "It's alright... I'm right here, just," he swallowed a gag as he glanced up at the bowl when you took a heaving break and hid his face into your neck and squeezing his eyes shut, "Oh... Just uhm... Just relax..." He awkwardly finished, distracting himself from what he'd just seen by focusing on the sent of your shampoo.

When you finished, you shakily took one of your hands off the toilet bowl and flushed the gross stuff down before falling back onto your boyfriend's chest with a pained whine. "Wanna go lay down for cuddles?" Louis asked softly, earning a nod from you. With that, he helped you to your feet and guided you to your shared bedroom for some cuddles and to sleep in a bit more.


Just like every morning, you two ate breakfast. This morning, you were feeling a little nauseous, but you just thought you were hungry and needed something in your system, so you ate anyway. In the middle of your delicious meal, the sickly feeling intensified suddenly.

In a rush, you slapped a hand over your mouth, dropped your fork, slid back in your chair, stood, and sprinted off to the bathroom. "Princess!? Where 'ye going!?" Niall called, quickly following you.

Once he caught up to you, you were already emptying your guts into the toilet, your hands gripping onto the toilet bowl. You can run in such urgency that you didn't even turn on the light and knocked over the toilet paper holder by tripping over it. You didn't even pay attention to the sting of your skin impacting against the metal spiral.

"Oh, fuck..." Niall gasped, turning on the light and the bathroom fan before squatting down at your side, tucking your hair behind your ears and shoulders so you didn't get your hair all gross. Once he did that, he placed one hand on one of your trembling ones and placed the other on your back, slowly rubbing it in circles, trying to soothe you.

After a while, you finished up and flushed the toilet, hanging your head exhaustedly. "Mmmm..." You whined, making Niall frown. "'Ye okey?" He asked softly, making you look over and send him a resting bitch face, causing him to let out a nervous laugh, "Wanna lay back down in bed and do nothin' for th' rest of th' day?" He asked, making your gaze soften, seeing that he was genuinely concerned and genuinely regretted his first question. You only nodded, afraid that if you opened your mouth, you'd start to vomit again.

Niall slowly helped you up to your feet with a gentle smile before guiding you to your shared bedroom for cuddles and many kisses.


Zayn was painting in his study when he heard the unmistakable sound of vomit biles hitting the ground. He dropped his paint brush and bolted out of the room to nearly bump into you, who had made a mess of your sick on the floor of the hallway.

"Oh, Angel," Zayn whispered, kneeling down beside you as you emptied your guts. He held your hair in one fist as if it were a ponytail as the other rubbed your back. When you were done, you were crying. You absolutely hated throwing up, I mean, who doesn't?

"I'm... I'm sorry!" You sobbed as you leaned into him, "It's okay, love, it's not like you did this on purpose. Do you think you can make it to bed?" He asked, earning a nod from you.

Zayn then helped you to bed and cleaned up your mess, returning to your shared bedroom with a clean garbage bin he used for his paintings, anti nausea medicine, water, and some crackers. You gave him a sad smile as he joined your side in bed, "I'm sorry for the mess. I thought that I'd be able to make it to the bathroom on time," You mumbled. "It's alright, just ask for help next time, baby. Now, take your medicine so you'll feel less icky," He said softly.

You did so and spent the rest of the day in bed and cuddled with Zayn. You got sick here and there, but Zayn wasn't upset, he just swapped it out and cleaned you up.


Liam woke up to loud groaning noises. At first, he thought he was just imagining things and rolled over to tried to cuddle with you, but he was only greeted by cold, empty sheets next to him. He slowly sat up, his eyes settling on the light underneath the bathroom door. "Oh no." He whispered to himself, ripping the blankets off of him and quickly ran to the door, basically slamming it open and gasped at the sight.

"Y/n!" He cried, running to your side, holding your messy hair back as you emptied your guts into the toilet. "Oh, love, I'm so sorry..." He whispered, rubbing your back with a free hand while the other held your hair like a ponytail. You just heaved and as your body made a throbbing like motion, making you go back and forth as your dinner from only a few hours ago left your system.

Soon, you were done emptying your insides, your throat and chest burning from the acidic feeling. You fell slack against Liam's side, being pulled into his lap a few seconds later. "I'm so sorry, Y/n..." Liam whispered, hugging you close. You turned your head to look back at him with a confused look, "You didn't do anything. It's just morning sickness." You shrugged, making him sigh and kiss your shoulder.

"Do you want to go back to bed or some broth?" Liam offered softly, making you smile at his kindness. "Some broth please... And some cuddles on the side?" You say with a giggle, making him smile. "As you wish, my love." He picked you up bridal style and left the bathroom with you.


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