Niall - Blindfolded - 30 Minutes In Heaven

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Sighing, I thrusted both hands into two separate bags, my left pulling out a slip of paper while my right pulled out one of Harry's bandanas. Instantly excepting my fate that I would lose the ability to see in the closet with the blindfold as I was told that's what Harry's bandana meant, I unfolded the piece of paper that read "30 min."

Louis snatched the American flag styled bandana from my hand and began to wrap the cloth around my face, covering my eyes. While this happened, I felt a gentle hand grab my wrist, "Alright, Y/n! Pick an item!" Niall chirped as the hand lead me into a box full of different items. I brushed my fingertips over each item before deciding to pick up a small, soft item. The room filled with "Ooooooh"s and wolf whistles, making me roll my eyes from underneath the blindfold at their childish reactions.

As soon as the second knot in the bandana was placed, Louis placed his hands on my shoulders. "Right this way, love." Louis giggled childishly as he pushed and guided me towards the closet which he paused to open before continuing to lead me forward. He suddenly turned me around and gently pressed on my shoulders, "Sit here. Your little friend will be here in a minute, 'kay?" He patted my shoulders as I sat down. He gently ruffled my hair, "Go get 'em, tiger." He chuckled before letting go and leaving, closing the door behind him.

It wasn't long until the door opened and two pairs of footsteps came near, one stopping a few feet away while the other stopped a few inches away from me. "Remember, no noises that can cause her to find out it's you! Thirty minutes start as soon as the door closes! And I expect actions!" Harry called before he slammed the door shut.

"Hello?" I called out softly. There were some rustling noises but they stopped when I felt something brush my leg before leaving me and a hand to gently take mine. "Hi." I whispered, gently returning the gesture by wrapping my fingers around theirs. To one-up me, they started to rub their thumb against my knuckles, making me smile.

"You remind me of my friend, Niall." I say after a few minutes. "Well, I don't want to be just friends with him... I want him to actually take the hint that I really like him." I continued, making their thumb stop slightly, "But yeah, the way you're holding my hand and just sitting so close to me makes me think of him because he does that all the time when I'm nervous or having a panic attack." I finished, letting out a soft sigh, letting my head hit the wall behind me. "Sometimes, I just wish that idiot would just come up out of no where and kiss me instead of having a big, wholesome, sweet confession, y'know? It's probably because I'm impatient, but still." I shrugged.

Suddenly, I felt lips on mine, making me shove them off, "What the hell?" I whisper shouted, ripping off the blindfold to become face to face with Niall. My face burned red as I realized that I just confessed to him. Niall leaned forward again and gently pressed his lips to mine, making me hesitantly kiss back. My hands placed themselves on his chest, feeling his loose tank top before sliding my hands to cup his face.

After a few seconds, he broke the kiss, keeping our lips close while he connected our foreheads. My eyes fluttered open to see his still closed. "I really like you too." He whispered before opening his eyes, "And I've been waiting for the right moment to confess to you but I haven't found one until now... Well, technically you confessed to me, but I--" I cut him off with a peck on the lips, "Shut up and kiss me, Horan." I say with a giggle as his face went bright red. Niall smiled shyly before doing as he was told, gently kissing me again, leaning his weight on his hands that were on either side of me on the ground.

I kissed back, my hand going into his faux blonde hair to play with as the other remained on his face. Niall slid his hands to my hips before guiding me forward into his lap. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck loosely as his hands felt around my waist and lower back. Niall gently nipped at my lower lip asking for entry, which I allowed, parting my lips to let his tongue in to meet mine. His tongue teased the tip of mine before swirling around mine and entangling itself with me.

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