Zayn - Blindfolded - 30 Minutes In Heaven

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"Y/n should have a go! She hasn't gone yet!" Niall said, pointing his finger in my direction. All eyes followed and landed on me. "No thanks, I'm good." I say softly, shifting nervously from my spot on the couch, sending yet again, another nervous glance at my crush, Zayn Malik. Zayn knew; he had to. My crush on him was so obvious despite my efforts to keep it discreet. "C'mon, don't be a party pooper!" Niall whined, making his way over to me and grabbing my wrist, pulling me to my feet. "Uhm-!" I try to protest, but I'm already dragged up to the front. "You know the rules, pick one out of each bin!" The Irishman chirped, placing his hands on my shoulders as he pushed me towards the small boxes in front of me, basically vibrating with energy. "I suddenly regret buying you Starbucks." I sighed before hesitantly doing as told.

First, I opened the small slip of paper, "Thirty minutes." I read aloud, causing wolf whistles to go off from some of the party goers.

Second, I held up one of Harry's bandanas. "I'll be blindfolded." More cheers.

Third, I held up a small iPad sized mirror, "Someone's mirror... How did this even fit in there?" I say, turning to the group who just shrugged at my question while others simply ignored it and cheered.

Suddenly, Niall snatched the blindfold out of my hands and stepped behind me and tied the blindfold tightly over my eyes. "Y/n, I don't trust myself or the others so I'll just carry you into the closet. Is that okay?" Liam said softly, "I'd rather you carry me instead of ending up walking into a wall or into someone. So, go for it." I shrugged. Then Liam did as he said he would, picking me up bridal style, "Y/n's chosen closet friend, follow me." Liam called as he began to carry me into the closet. I heard another pair of footsteps follow us, "Can you please get the door?" Liam asked, stopping in his tracks. The door clicked open, "Thanks, mate." Liam whispered before walking in, kneeling, and setting me down in a sitting position. I felt a presence next to me as Liam let go, "Alright, don't get too intimate in here, okay? I don't want to walk in on you two having sex, okay?" Liam said as he got up to leave the closet, closing the door behind him.

As soon as the door clicked, the person untied the blindfold, making me flinch and snap my eyes open, "Hey, what the hell-- Oh..." I stopped myself when I say Zayn looking right at me. "'Oh'?" He asked, making me look away, embarrassed. "Don't be embarrassed, boo. I see the way you look at me, and you have thirty while minutes with me and you're all shy now?" He whispered, moving closer. I remained silent, a deep blush coating my face as insecurity, anxiety, embarrassment, and nervousness attack me from all sides.

Suddenly, I felt a hand gently cradle my jaw and turn my head to look. I fell limp against his warm palm, letting him turn my head. "Look at me, Y/n." Zayn said firmly yet, almost pleadingly. I slowly shifted my gaze to connect to his. His eyes were intense, a tint of gentleness was surrounding the admiral darkness that hid other feelings inside of his pupils as he stared into mine. No matter what I did, I couldn't pull myself to look away. It was almost like I was hypnotized.

I was snapped from this dazed state when Zayn pressed his lips to mine, his eyes fluttering closed as he did so. His sent and his touch was so intoxicating that I couldn't stop myself from letting the soft sigh of content to pass my lips as my eyes fluttered closed. Zayn's hand moved from cradling my jaw to the back of my head while his other hand took mine. My hands trembled as my brain was still processing what was happening. The hand that wasn't being held moved up to place itself on his chest, my fingers almost immediately gripping onto the leather of his jacket, subconsciously pulling him closer.

Zayn smelled of a gentle cologne, a little bit of hairspray and hair gel, and axe deodorant. He tasted like mints from his chapstick. His lips were soft, plump, warm, gentle. The way he held my hand and the back of my head was done with so much care.

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