How You Met

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How You Met

You were sitting in the lobby of the doctor's office as you were a nurse's kid, waiting for their parents to finish up their shift. The door opened, making you look over to see a curly-haired brunette boy who came in with his mom. He looked quite nervous. "Yes, Harry Styles is here to get his blood drawn?" His mother said, making you let out a soft "Oh".

The boy sat down next to you, a few chairs down, looking scared up close, his knee bouncing up and down fast as he played with the rings on his fingers. You slowly got up from my spot and walked over. "Hey." You whispered, making him whip his head to face you. "Hi..." Harry greeted awkwardly. "Not a fan of needles?" You asked tilting your head to his mother who was talking quite loudly. "Oh! Uh... Yeah, no I'm not... I've never got my blood drawn before, either..." Harry said softly. "My mom's the nurse in the lab... Maybe I can help you through it? It's not that bad, but I can tell you're nervous and I want to help you." You said, making the boy nod, "Could you, please?" "Of course."

The two of us talked and when it was time, you walked with Harry into the labs, his mother requested to stay in the lobby as she had a fear of blood. "Hey, mum!" You say as you two enter one of the rooms. "Y/n, I need to help someone, it's urgent. I need you to draw his blood, you've done it before. We're low on staff." That's all your mom said before leaving the room.

This was technically illegal, as you didn't have a medical license and you weren't even a nurse in training or at the age to even get the confirmation to be a nurse in training, but since the team was low on staff due to a case of bronchitis going around Holmes Chapel, you thought helping one person wouldn't hurt.

"Well, uhm... Okay, well, Harry, sit in the chair for me, okay?" You say, gently rubbing his back, guiding him towards the chair after the door closed behind the two of you. Harry slowly made his way to the chair, taking a seat. You slipped on two plastic gloves and grabbed a few tubes that already had Harry's name and birthday on them. You walked over, holding the tubes, "Is your name and birthday correct?" You asked, making Harry nod after he read it. "Okay." You said before setting them down on the counter and grabbing an alcohol swab and a small rubber ribbon.

You then slid down the front arm part of the chair and connected the tube with the needle that still had a cap on it. "Harry, can you put your right arm on the arm, please?" You asked, glancing at the boy who began to tremble as he moved his arm up to the cushion before tensely setting it down. You wrapped the ribbon on his forearm, gently wiping down his arm, seeing a few veins come out. "Okay, Harry, I want you to grip onto my arm, okay?" You said softly, tossing the alcohol swab away and taking the cap off the needle.

Harry placed his hand on your forearm as he looked at the needle with wide eyes, his pupils small as his whole body trembled. "Harry, it's gonna be okay." You whispered, moving your hand to cup his face, making him turn to face you, his emerald green eyes were piercing into your gentle (eye color)ed ones. "Take a deep breath and close your eyes." You said and Harry did so. You slowly moved the needle down, "One... Two... Three." On three, you slowly injected the needle through, causing Harry to take a sharp breath and tense up. "It's okay, Harry. You're doing so good." I praised, gently rubbing my gloved thumb side to side on his cheek.

You had to remove your hand to change out the tube and put the full one in the case on the counter, but once you finished that, you gently put your hand on his shoulder, massaging the tense muscles. "Halfway done," I say, glancing up, seeing his eyes were clammed shut and he was still shaking. "And all done." You say, slowly pulling out the needle putting the cap on the tube, and setting the equipment down after putting the tube in its proper case. You grabbed a cotton ball and a bandaid and gently pressed the cotton to the area before putting the bandaid on top.

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