You Fall Asleep On Them

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Hi, Author Izzy speaking! I just wanted to thank everyone for over 50 reads! I appreciate it! I didn't think this book would get this much attention! I love y'all and I greatly appreciate the support!
You Fall Asleep On Them

"Hey, Harr--" "SHHH!" Zayn made a confused face before he peaked over the couch that faced away from the door. His confusion instantly faded when he saw that you had fallen asleep with your head in Harry's lap, your arms wrapped around one of his legs loosely, kind of like a teddy bear. Zayn smiled, "Sorry, Harry. I'll ask you later." He whispered, gently patting Harry's shoulder before walking off and closing the door behind him.

Harry looked down at your sleeping figure, playing with your hair as you slept peacefully against him. He gently leaned down and kissed your head before leaning his side onto the arm of the couch.

Harry usually preferred to be the small spoon, but he didn't want to wake you as he knew you were stressed from everyday life. He knew you needed to relax so he let you have these little moments here and there.


Louis had been cuddling you while lying on his back as he lay on a beanbag. You were laid between his spread legs with your face in his chest as your arms wrapped around him tightly while you lay on your stomach. A soft blanket covered the two of you as you shared this cute moment. Your boyfriend was rubbing your back and drawing shapes into your shirt with his fingers or with the way he rubbed your back while he scrolled through his phone.

The door opened, making Louis turn his head to look over. "Lou-- Oh, sorry," Harry smiled cheekily before lowering his tone, "Have you seen my phone charger?" He asked, only poking his head through the door. Louis just shrugged lazily, pointing to the wall across from the two of you with his phone. "The lower outlet near the windows. Wake her/him up and I'll kill you." Louis warned, making Harry nod his head and make his way into the room as silently as he could as he knew that Louis would keep his word.

You let out a soft whine in your sleep, causing both boys to look at you. You shifted, moving up to lay closer to Louis' chest before relaxing your body, continuing your slumber. Harry let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding before making his way to grab his charger, kneeling and pulling it out of the outlet.

On the way out, Harry tripped on his own feet and fell, causing him to freeze and whip his head to face you and Louis. Louis glared as you shifted again, turning his gaze back to you. Somehow, the loud thud didn't wake you. You just hugged Louis' torso closer and snuggled your face into his shoulder. Harry let out a sigh of relief before quickly making his way out of the room, closing the door as quietly as he could, leaving the two of you alone.

Louis looks down at you and tucks some hair out of your face, gently kissing your forehead and wrapping his arms around you, making you whine again sleepily and hold him tighter. Your boyfriend smiled, nuzzling his face into your hair as he closed his eyes as well.


Niall was scrolling through Instagram with you in his lap. He laughed at a funny post, making you stir slightly. "Ni?" You asked sleepily, causing the faux blonde to look over. "Yeah?" He asked, not even realizing you were sleeping before until he saw the tiredness in your eyes. "Oh, fuck, babe, I'm sorry," Niall said softly.

Before you could respond, Niall wrapped his arms around you and moved you to a lying down position on his bed so the two of you could cuddle. "Nialler- Oh fuck. Liam whispered to himself before he closed the door, turning the light off in the process.

The two of you giggled at this before falling asleep in each other's arms. Before you fell asleep, eating your slumber take over, you felt Niall press a kiss to your cheek, then your temple, whispering a soft "Goodnight, love," into your ear.


Zayn was lying on his side with you in his arms. You were fast asleep, arms wrapped around him tightly. The two of you were sharing earbuds, listening to the cover you both sang of Rewrite The Stars from The Greatest Showman.

Zayn laid between your legs as they were wrapped around his torso, his face buried into your stomach and his arms draped around your hips lazily. Your arms were around his neck, hooking up so your hands were in his hair as you had your face nuzzled to his hair. The two of you were laid down on the floor of the living room because you were sleeping over at Louis'. The boys had left to get junk food, you two want to stay home.

Your wholesome moment was crushed when the front door slammed open as four loud voices started to echo through the house. Zayn quickly plugged your other ear shut and sat up, "Y/n's sleeping! Quiet the hell down!" Zayn snapped, making the boys follow his voice, thinking he was lying from how loud he was when they saw the position they were in. "Wait... The fuck... Are you two dating?" Liam asked. Zayn sighed, taking his earbud out and replacing his finger with it. "Yes, I'll explain more later, just don't make it obvious, okay?", before the boys could stop him, Zayn sat up, gently shaking your shoulder, pulling out the earbuds. "Y/n, wake up... The boys brought food." Zayn said softly, making you wake up. You glanced at the boys before Zayn. "They know, don't they?" You asked, monotone, making Zayn look away. "Finally. Goodnight." You say, pulling him by the back of the shirt down to cuddle, getting a loud yelp in return from your boyfriend and teasing and laughter from the group of boys.


Liam was lying down in the dressing room on one of the benches, using his coat as a pillow while you were fast asleep, lying on top of him. Your legs were tangled up together while your and his arms were wrapped around each other lazily. The boys had three hours until they had to go and perform for X Factor, they were singing Story Of My Life for the audience to celebrate one of their most famous songs.

The boys walked in, chattering loudly, making him look over. "Guys, hush!" Liam whispers shouting, only getting Zayn's attention. "Guys, quiet down, look," Zayn said, pointing over, making the remaining band members look over and quiet down. "Oh, sorry, Liam," Niall said with a soft laugh, scratching the back of his head. Louis awed quietly as he walked over and sat on the ground next to the two of you Harry smirked cheekily, "You're welcome." Harry whispered into Liam's ear, making Liam hit him upside the head, making the boys hold back loud laughter, covering their mouths as Harry stumbled off, trying to contain his laughter.

Harry is the one who planted the mistletoe at the Christmas party.

68 reads so far! Whooooo!
Have a wonderful day/night, my loves!

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