You Come Out

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-He smiles and hugs you tightly
-"Thank you so much for telling me. I support you."
-We all know mans be a little fruity himself so if you didn't already know, he comes out too
-Takes you to pride festivals
-Keeps it a secret unless you say otherwise
-Supports you to the fucking MAXIMUM


-"Called it."
-He wasn't surprised because he sensed you were a bit fruity
-Extremely supportive
-He takes you to a pride festival with Harry(Larry forever, bitches)
-Then three of you have a group chat called "The Fruit Loops"
-He makes gay jokes if you're around people who know it it's just the two of you
-"Slay, mate. I support you."


-"You're (sexuality)? That's cool!"
-He takes you to a pride festival with the boys and it's so sweet and wholesome
-VERY supportive
-He asks questions about your sexuality if he's not sure what it means
-He is so motherfucking happy you told him, you have no idea.
-He keeps it a secret but if you're around people who know, he may slip in a gay joke or two


-He hugs you
-"Thanks so much for telling me. I support you."
-So sweet about it
-He keeps it under wraps so he doesn't out you at all


-He's so proud of you for telling him
-He feels so special that you trusted him
-Supports you so much
-If any one gives you shit, they better start running
-He keeps it under wraps unless you say so
-"I'm so proud of you for telling me that. I had a friend come out to me and they struggled because it was so hard. Thank you for telling me. I will support you the best I can, okay?"
-Hugs you close to his chest
-Gets emotional if you get emotional


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