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Zed felt like he was going mad as he landed hit after hit on the punching bag. Thankful none of his guys tried sparing with him this time. He wanted to be destructive, he wanted to feel the pain in his knuckles as they smashed into the thick weighted material.

He had been going on runs, handling meetings and showing not a single shred of mercy anytime someone pissed him off.

He even managed to have a pretty wild night out and all he could think about was the shit Bree said to him last week.

It got under his skin and he fucking hated it.

It took everything in him not to rip her a new one. If he even thought about tearing into her Bonzo would come after him. Plus.. he was wondering if she was right?

He used to idolize his father and now, it was like everything his pops did left a sour taste in his mouth.

Not being able to take it anymore Zed descended the stairs after his shower. He knew his crew would most likely be in the kitchen at this time and as his eyes settled on Bree he momentarily felt victorious. That was until he realized why he had come to find her again...

"I think it's being held at that vinyard in Mission Hills.." Bree let out a low whistle as Eliza talked, "Mission Hills? Mob money must be really nice.." Zed scoffed, suddenly gaining the attention of both his childhood best friends.

"Our money is plenty.. and what mob shit is happening in Mission Hills?" He picked a grape off their plate, ignoring how Bree tried to smack his hand away.

"The Vanderfelt Wedding." Raising an eyebrow Zed looked at both woman clearly for clarification, Bree only rolled her eyes. "Bella's best friend's wedding, she'll be there this weekend."

Her name alone caused an unsettling feeling to wash over him.

Rolling his eyes Zed shook his head. "Maybe you should go see if you two are still friends now that she's back where she belongs.."

"Your such a asshole.." Zed shrugged, realizing he just did the opposite of what he meant to he decided to leave.

As he hurried up the steps his feet began too slow down.

Mission Hills was just twenty minutes up the hill from them. Wine country, filled with the rich and of course she would be there...

Smirking he thought back to how he had warned her he would be watching. It was just to scare her. Remind her the power he held and the dirt he had on her..
But maybe.. just maybe he should pay her a visit.

Maybe that's just what he needed.


"Are you insane?" Eliza gaped as Zed rolled his eyes. "Just answer the question.. How tight is security?"

"Does your dad know your doing this?"

"Nope and he won't, unless you want the bitch to die. He wants her dead. I just want her scared.."


"Because people are more likely to do what you want when there scared and she's about to be the key reason Kevin Jacey fuckface Jr takes over the Italian mob.." Zed turned his attention back to the floor plans of the venue where the wedding would be held. Luckily Eliza knew quite a bit about the Buchanan's security teams and still had some intel on the inside. She had worked pretty closely with Bucky.

Drug Dealer's Girl (Zed Necrodopolis) AU Where stories live. Discover now