332 11 3

18 hours until exchange

Zed awoke, blinking quickly as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. His hand did another sweep and another before yanking the covers off just to verify the bed was indeed empty.

As he turned on the lamp, his heart beginning to beat a little faster as his thoughts raced. His first instinct per usual was to grab his gun that he kept in his nightstand.

As he hopped out of his bed the bathroom opened and he was faced with a sleepy Bella.


"Jesus Christ Izzy.." He groaned, Bella caught the sight of the metal reflecting in the light and froze.
"I thought —-I don't even know what I thought." Zed grumbled, punching his code back into the small nightstand safe. Cocking her head to the side she was starting to wonder where else he had guns just hidden in his room.

"There's also one in the bathroom.. and my closet." She looked up at him in surprised when he read her mind as he locked the gun back up.

"S-sorry.. I just had to go to the bathroom." Bella frowned before making her way back into the bed. Normally he didn't notice when she got up in the middle of the night. He must've not have been sleeping well ..

"The last thing I need is for you to go missing as the clock is ticking..."

Bella frowned, resting her head on her pillow as Zed flopped back on his side. Feet between them, his California king had never felt so cold.

"...are you nervous?"

"I'm about to hand you over to your brother.. and pray for the off chance that your father isn't going to ambush me the second I do it.." Zed shook his head as the weight of his words settled around them. "I'm fantastic."

Bella rolled her eyes, turning on her side to face the wall. She felt too awake to sleep. The thought that she could be home tonight, back in her room at her fathers mansion had her filled flooded with mixed feelings.

Of course she was happy she actually was making it out of this whole ordeal, alive but she couldn't help but feel anxious about her father.

Salvatore Buchanan was a wild card in the flesh.

Like hello, he killed his own wife.


"So that's it?!" Bucky exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief as his step father told him to follow the instructions the zombies had ordered.

"They've had her for months.."

"Allegedly, we don't know what we don't know." Salvatore kept a blank expression on his face. The only other person allowed in the room during this conversation was Jacey. Salvatore's personal little bitch. Since Sal kicked Bucky off doing anything remotely important within the gang he's had Jacey come in to fill his shoes.

While their men were confused why Sal's only son and eldest child was getting the abnormal treatment none were the wiser about the truth. However this happened to also be why Sal wanted to keep things with his daughter in the dark.

"No one can know about Isabella's little.. incident." Bucky cursed under his breath, he couldn't believe his step father was actually letting this go. When it came to his sister, Sal would move Heaven and Earth..

Drug Dealer's Girl (Zed Necrodopolis) AU Where stories live. Discover now