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Two Weeks Later ...

"I'll be watching.."

Gasping Bella woke up clutching her chest as she quickly scanned the room. Only to find her pale pink walls of her childhood bedroom staring back at her.

She was home.

She was safe.

But Safe wasn't the word that she would exactly use..

When Bucky first brought her home, and her father took in her appearance. She could see the anger behind his eyes. Her brother and father obviously concerned about her being tortured and raped.

She told them nothing of that nature happened because it was true. It had been consensual but they also didn't need to know that. So she claimed nothing happened at all.. That her and Zevon's son had barely even seen each other during her captivity. That he only marked her in the end to antagonize them, obviously.

When the shock finally wore off her father was just disappointed and angry. He had been worried sick about her when he discovered she had been taken and it all could've been avoided if she had just let her security detail do their jobs.

Much to her surprised Marcel's life had been spared but that only meant one thing. He was dead set against her ever evading him and his new team again.

So she was a prisoner in her own house. Total lockdown, as her father had ordered.

It was almost as bad as when she was first captured by the zombies just you know, minus the mind games of course.

She sat in her room most of the day since it was the only place she could be alone. Guards stood directly outside her bedroom doors and outside, beneath her baloney window.

The second she left her room she had two men on either side of her at all times. If she went outside there were two men in front and two behind. This was how it had always been and what pushed her to rebel in the first place.

"You should consider yourself lucky.." Salvatore sighed, "if they truly didn't harm you as you claim.." His eyes locked with his daughters. Bella swallowing hard as he scrubbed a hand down his face. "There are even worse men in the world Isabella.. There are truly horrible things most men would've done to you just to hurt me."

"Im sorry."

"I've made some arrangements." Her eyebrows pulled together in confusion as her father had brought a coffee mug to his lips. "Luckily your disappearance stayed under the radar and during that time I found a perfect match for you.."

"You.. what?" Bella shook her head in disbelief, her ears began ringing as she looked at her father. Sure. Arranged marriage was always part of the plan. A business arrangement.

But she always thought it would be when she was older or maybe she wouldn't have to after all since her brother was set to take over after her father stepped down...

She never did understand her fathers intention on why she needed to marry besides that he always told her it was to make sure she was taken care of .. and it could benefit him by bringing potentially smaller gangs, power and more money into our own empire.

"Dangerous times are upon us tesoro mio.." Sighing her father ran his hand over his graying beard. "We need more alleys.. Do you remember Jacey?"

"Kevin?" Bella's jaw nearly dropped, "You want me to marry Kevin Jacey Jr?"

"His family has made some very generous donations with us.. They also have a lot of power here." Kevin's father was none other than Kevin Jacey Sr aka the Governor. Her father was tight with the mayor here but having the governor in his pocket would be just another notch in his empire.

Drug Dealer's Girl (Zed Necrodopolis) AU Where stories live. Discover now