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Zed and Bella sat on the stools around the kitchen island with the usual group.

No one mentioning how they looked like they had both decided to take a shower at the same time...

....or that Zed's mood had improved so much from simply taking a shower.

It was actually really nice, Bella and all Zed's friends around the table talking and laughing. Things had been such high stress lately that it was just great when they could just hang out. It felt almost like it was normal.

"It's crazy that it's almost Summer right..." Wyatt scrubbed his hands together. At the mention of summer Bella dropped her fork abruptly.


It had been a little over a month now since she was taken, a month since Lacey's Bachelorette party. Lacey was having a June wedding.

"What's wrong?" Zed stiffened as Bella was looking over at Bree's calendar on the fridge.

"April 10th.. fuck." Bella cursed before looking over at the people that were slowly becoming her friends. In less than two months everyone would realize she was definitely missing.

"Um.. that night I was taken.. I was at my best friends bachelorette party. Her wedding is in two months.."

"Oh.. I'm sorry." Brie frowned thinking she was upset over missing such a big ceremony.

"No.. you don't understand. I'm the maid of honor.. Lacey is use to me taking off and not answering my phone.." She winced realizing she really didn't make the best life decisions. "..but my brother will also be at the wedding and if I'm not there..." She turned to Zed watching as the light bulb was going off in his head.

"Everyone will realize your missing..if they don't already."

"Wait so you don't think your brother or father know your missing yet?" Wyatt asked her completely perplexed by the idea that no one could understand how the heiress to a mob family was in fact missing.

Bella sighed, she was about to give herself up. The only thing she thought that was keeping her safe was that people thought her family was coming for her...

"They probably don't have a clue.." She sniffled, fuck why was she so stupid! She was always running away, hiding from her security detail and going months with leaving her phone off while she traveled or ran away with someone...

"I.. I kind of had a habit of running away."

"Why?" Asked Zed who was now standing beside her,
"When my mom died. He sent me away.. never let me come home and barely saw me once a year.. I hated him."

Zed looked at her sadly before thinking about his own sister.

They sent her away too.

She sniffled, her cheeks flushing as she realized all eyes were on her. Quickly Zed pulled her against his side tucking her against his chest. Not giving a fuck what his friends thought.

"As soon as pops comes home we need to have another meeting.." Zed sighed, he really hoped his father had Zoey and would be home soon.

Drug Dealer's Girl (Zed Necrodopolis) AU Where stories live. Discover now