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Five Days Later..

The comments and mind games didn't stop, but Bella tried her hardest to not let fear control her.

She was refusing to let him order her around. Or well.. she was trying. Sometimes it was hard to tell what was a mind game and what was just Zed being a dick.

The idea of how he was treating her frustrated her beyond belief. Now that she was rebelling against his stupid game he started to take away "privileges" like spending time with Bree, Wyatt or Willa. She couldn't leave the room without him to escort her.

One morning she gave him so much attitude he left her in the room all day long. Bringing her meals and water, not saying a single word to her.

It was psychological torture...

And she was trying to be strong but fuck was it working... Her resolve could only take her so far.


"....What happened to Zoey coming home?" Zed demanded as he saw his father getting ready for yet another trip.

"There was a small hiccup." His blood ran cold as his father wouldn't look him in the eye

"What kind of hiccup?"

"Zed.. relax. She's fine. They made it to Texas but... there was some high levels of mob activity.. So the team is keeping a low profile. I'm driving out there to get her and drive her back."

It should be him going.

"You handle things here, I'll see you in another week or so... I love you son."

"Love you too pops.." Zed muttered under his breath before leaving his fathers room. Before he left the formal room though he grabbed the expensive bottle of whiskey pouring a large glass, taking it with him as he walked down the flight of stairs to his own room.

Once he made it through his double doors he took another large gulp before walking towards his nightstand. However as he was setting the glass down, he heard a noise.

Turning around he saw his bathroom door handle jiggle. Clicking and the sounds of metal on metal filled the otherwise silent room. He bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from chuckling. Instead he finished off his glass and without making a sound made his way to the bathroom door.

In seconds he twisted the lock and ripped the door open, causing a now terrified Bella to stumble onto his floor.

"Tsk tsk.. Someone's definitely been a bad girl.." Zed mused, picking the bobby pins and paper clips she had lodged into the key hole on the inside of the door.

"Lock picking were we?"

Bella scrambled to her feet, looking around his room as he continued advancing towards her. He was looking at her like she was dinner and it made her stomach flip.

"Didn't thinking you had it in you princess.."

"Stop calling me that!" Her legs willed her to move and she quickly tried to run for the door but he just grabbed her by her wrists.

"What should I call you then? Princess is just so fitting."

"My name is Bella!" Gritting through her teeth but it only riled up him up more.

"Actually it's Isabella... ooo what about Izzy?"

"Fuck you." She fought to get out of his grip but he just twisted her around, his strong arms snaking around her waist.

Drug Dealer's Girl (Zed Necrodopolis) AU Where stories live. Discover now