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"...Even if things go well, even if they do everything we say.." Zed furrowed his eyebrows as his father spoke slowly. "Take the cash and before you push her out of that van, slice her throat.."

"Wait what?" Zevon had his sons full attention now. Zed staring at his father, as if he was waiting for the older man to say 'gotcha'.

"Hurting her—killing her isn't apart of the deal! It was never apart of the deal!" Standing up, Zed felt his heart pounding in his chest. His father couldn't be serious.

"That's a death sentence."

"That's why Willa's been fixing up the cars and why Wyatt and Bonzo will be assisting you." Zevon explained calmly his eyes moving back towards the photo of his late wife. "In and out, once it's done take Zoey. You two can lay low for a while.."

"You—-no way." Zed froze as he took in his fathers demeanor.
"..this has been your plan all along?"

"Yes and you will do as I say."

"But she's done nothing but what we've asked!" Anger began to rise up in his chest. "She's not even apart of any of this shit between our families! She's innocent!"

"So was your mother!" Zed took a step back, gulping as his father bellowed, shooting up from his chair. He had seen his father angry before but this was different. His eyes were black with rage before his lips quivered. Bringing a hand to his mouth as he shook his head.

"..so was your mother.."

"...what does mom have to do with any of this?" He had a feeling he knew the answer. The dots were starting to connect. He needed to hear it from his father though. "You know who murdered her don't you?"


Zed felt like he could throw up, his stomach threatened it as a wave of nausea hit him. Memories of his mother laying lifeless in her bathroom at their old house.

Her throat was slit, blood pooled out on the floor. Her hands loosely wrapped around her neck, as if she was trying to stop the bleeding. To save herself... her eyes open and void of any life.

"Why have you never said anything?!" It was Zed's turn to roar in anger. He felt it every where. If he had known.. he would've never shown a single one of those mob guys mercy. He would've killed Bucky years ago and he wasn't even the guys son! He would've——
He probably would've killed Isabella... Innocent or not..

"W-what.. what we're her sins?" Zevon flinched as his son turned to him, quieter this time.

For your sins

The word had been written on the mirror.. in her blood.

All this time he had wondered what his mother had possibly done and now that he knew his mothers true murder.. he had even more questions.

What were her sins?


"Your dad's thee boss of the Italian mob!?" Zoey looked at me in disbelief.

Drug Dealer's Girl (Zed Necrodopolis) AU Where stories live. Discover now