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"Is he here!?" Zed asked but he was already jogging out the door as Bonzo answered him.

"In the med bay—" Flying down the flight of stairs Zed panicked. Normally he kept his cool but this was his Father. He didn't have much left besides him and Zoey.

As he approached their small "med bay" really just a sterile environment for situations like this. He saw his father sitting up, their on call doctor stitching him up.

"Your..your fine?" Zevon rolled his eyes as he saw some of his worried gang members behind his very worried son.
"I told them not to even say anything. I'm fine." His father insisted, taking a swig from a flask as the doctor continued to push the needle through his skin near his collarbone.

"The bullet luckily missed his heart, it also was very shallow upon entry so just a small wound." Dr. Evans assured Zed as the rest of the members made their way back upstairs to let the father and son have some space. "Another bullet grazed his neck.."

"...What about Zo?"

"She's fine. Just getting settled."

"She's here?" Zevon nodded, capping his flask before wincing as the doctor placed some gauze and a bandage over his neck.
"She took the room across from Wyatt and Bonzo. Figured that was safest for now." Zed nodded, a odd feeling of relief washed over him as he realized his family was actually back together again.

"The only good news about this trip is that we got some intel, as far as the Buchanan's know their heiress is still in Italy." Zed opened his mouth realizing his father hadn't gotten all the recent information that Bella had given up.

"About that.. We might have a problem soon."


"She's been asking to come up here non stop." Wyatt sighed, opening the door just enough for a blonde teenager to slip through.

"Zoey! Long time no see short stuff!" Bree giggled as the petite blonde embraced her tightly.
"Short stuff? We're the same height!"

"She's got you there.." Wyatt laughed his smile turning into a frown as his eyes connected with Bella's.

"I would've never insisted on the walk if I knew how much shit it would cause.." He whispered just loud enough for her to hear. Bella bit her bottom lip, nodding. He didn't know the half of the shit that was even happening because of that little outing but it still wasn't his fault.

It was Zed's.

Her stomach flipped as she thought about the curtain situation they were in. He was playing mind games and she kept playing because it meant not being isolated in a room or spanked with the guys belt.

Her cheeks flushed as she thought about the other "perks".

They both got off every now and then.

Thinking back she use to wonder how kidnappers could brain wash their victims. Why they stayed.. why they didn't run away.

She understood now. In the game of survival your best bet was just playing along. Hoping one day you'd make it out on the other side.

We were all just trying to survive.

"Your Bella?" The petite blonde eyed the older girl curiously. Bree opened her mouth but Wyatt was quick to beat her to the punch, putting his hand on Bella's lower back almost if it was a warning.
"Yup this is Bella, your brothers girlfriend." Bella gaped for a second glaring at Wyatt. "Hey you could've had me but you like the men in charge." He joked, trying his best to play off the lie they had to create to keep Zoey in the dark.

Drug Dealer's Girl (Zed Necrodopolis) AU Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ