Chp. 64 - The Place We Should Have Reached

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[IRL, Tokyo, New National Stadium Arena]

[Malzeno's POV]

The whole arena was in a state of pandemonium to say the very least. I've never seen so many boss-type monsters in one place before, it was terrifying to think about. But what unsettled me the most was the massive screen overlooking the whole arena-turned-battleground. It pulsed with various wavelengths and frequencies, but a number was steadily rising towards 10,000. 

If I had to guess, that was the scan on the brink of activation. The moment that happens, everyone here would be either left with permanent brain damage, or worse, death. Thousands who spent two years trying to keep themselves together or fought to free the others from the Death Game would be inhumanely slaughtered. All for a single girl.

Another pyre of flames erupted before our friends as myself and Kirito used the seats to clear rows at a greater pace. From the cinders rose a towering, demonic monster with muscles as taut as ropes rippling up its form. Its skin was deep blue and its eyes glinted with the same blue-white hue. Its head, resting atop its thick chest, was that of a goat's rather than a human's and had an elongated snout and thick, twisted horns stretching backward from the sides of the head. The lower half of its body with bestial legs was covered in long, navy hair.

It raised a massive sword in one hand, ready to strike down Silica who bravely stood with a dagger against it

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It raised a massive sword in one hand, ready to strike down Silica who bravely stood with a dagger against it. In a flash, myself and Kirito threw ourselves against it, slashing across the chest to bring the beast down, the two of us crashing into the seats with a pained grunt. Yep, still hurts to do that...

"Asuna, sorry we're late!" Kirito stood up only to wince at how he fell onto his arm, I merely kicked a chair off my waist with a groan.

"I need me one of Nautilus' suits..." Rubbing my head, I found a familiar, slender hand offered to me, looking up to see that Yuuki had manifested too with a serious look on her face. "Thanks," Taking it, at least one good thing came out of this massacre event.

"Thank Yui, we're able to materialize physically cause of her," That made my brow raise, 'we're'?

"Didn't think we'd just sit back and watch, did ya?" Nori grinned, twirling her hammer around to rest against her shoulders.

"Nori..." I blinked, turning to see Jun helping Silica upright again. Siune stood with Asuna. Talken and Tecchi with Agil and Sinon. Talk about perfect timing, or just dumb luck. Though, it was enough for me to laugh. "Making a grand hero's entrance at the last second? You're gonna make me look bad,"

"Well, about time someone beats you at your own game," Jun snorted a smug grin, then it fell as he raised his greatsword. "Crap, it's still moving!"

All of us turned to the giant demon as it hoisted itself upright with its massive sword. No surprise there, it's a boss after all from a floor I can't recall. It took one step and suddenly swung down hard, obliterating the seating around us, clearing the space a little as I withdrew my katana, catching a follow-up slam to push to my left, allowing Yuuki to thrust her blade several times, leaving thin punctures through the broad chest as it snarled.

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