Chp. 60 - Shinobi in Green

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[IRL, Tokyo, Meiji Shrine]

[Malzeno's POV]

After about 30 minutes, we had everything in motion. Yuuki had appeared next to me alongside Yui, an open video call before us with those we requested the aid of. For this to work, we had to play it as a raid, a map of Tokyo opened for everyone to see.

"The plan's simple, I'll be dealing the final blow to the bosses to take the points whilst improving my own skills through every battle, whilst lowering the risk of survivors being killed by the bosses," Kirito elaborated on his part.

~With Yui-Chan's insider intel, I've gone and marked the best routes between each event, should streamline the whole thinG~ Argo chipped in, the map pinging every event that would start within the hour. ~Gotta lot of ground to cover, Kii-boU~

"Then it's a good thing I drive," Kirito reminded her, sitting on his bike as we discussed this.

~We'll worry about wearing the bosses down and trying to watch for players, can't take the risks~ Mito added, hand over her chin with a hard stare. ~What about Eiji?~

"Avoid him if you can, I honestly hope he's too busy stroking his ego to get involved, but he's bound to catch on once Kirito starts wiping out all the fun," I grimaced. Unfortunately, not a lot we can do there as I placed a hand on my hip. "But, if I end up spotting him, I'll deal with him,"

~You sure, Kazuki?~ The treasure hunter herself, Philia, spoke up with a look of concern thrown my way. ~You guys said he was tough, even faster than Kirito...~

~Ain't that we don't trust ya, but, y'know, guy's obviously a pro at this, like this game's version of Yuuki~ Nori chimed in too, linked through Siune's Augma.

~I have to agree, even if there's no risk of your memories left, he could do much worse~ Siune showered me with worry too, and I felt even Yuuki's concerned eyes on me.

Giving them a smirk, I pushed the video feed back. "Love the concern, truly. But even I know when to improvise. So after leaving this to simmer for the afternoon, all the downloads are complete. Ready?"

"It this what you were working on all this time?" Instantly, Yuuki perked up as I nodded, drawing up my inventory as I let my finger hover over the 'Set' icon titled as 'Green'. I just hope it came out alright in the end, I haven't tried this out yet.

I hit 'Set', and my standard outfit began to change with a flash of light, starting from top to bottom with a shimmering burst of iridescent specks. I heard them all make some form of verbal response, either a surprised breath or whistle from Argo. 

A dark violet headband wrapped around my forehead with a metal tag on the front. A bandana bundled against my neck, the rest of my outfit a dark violet, shinobi gi with detached sleeves, fingerless gloves and rounded pauldron. I wore a breastplate with a red belt and steel buckle, decorative shuriken hung from the loops with a katana clipped to my left hip.

The trousers were the same tucked into black boots. Actually wearing it felt oddly lighter, but seeing how I stood out in this equipment filled me with emotions I hadn't felt in so long. Nostalgia, a pang of grief, and love. Taking a deep breath, I swung my arms wide with pride in my eyes that swelled from my heart.

"So? How's this for an orange player?" I even had my bow attached to my back, a red ribbon wrapped around the grip. 

~Holy crap, you look like a completely different person!~ Nori gawked, good, left even her speechless.

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