Chp. 66 - Timeless

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Once, there was a place high above the clouds, separated from the world below, a land of swords. A towering castle that contained One-Hundred pieces of the world. One day, Ten-Thousand souls came to that floating castle, trapped within its walls until they vanquished all its guardians, and the demon that placed them there.

Even though that world is gone, its demon slain, the memories of the floating castle, and of the brave souls that fought there, will remain forevermore...

[Alfheim Online, New Aincrad, Floor 24]

[Malzeno's POV]

May 23rd, 2028. Twas an important date I've kept count for numerous weeks. I had much to plan, many favours to cash in or debts to accumulate. Despite being in the virtual world, my life was a busy one, a merc/info broker never rests. Well, we do on Sundays, and some holidays, maybe a vacation or two.

"Kazuki~ Come on, I've been blindfolded for nearly an hour~!" My lovely partner whined as I led her by the shoulders carefully.

"It's... only been fifteen minutes, Cupcake," I remarked, lightly knocking my knuckle off the top of her head. "You sure you don't have brain damage from the last night's quest? I did warn you about this specific dango questline was difficult,"

"Nothing is too perilous for dango!" She pumped her fists high, or until I pushed her biceps down again.

"Ease up on the firepower, we're almost here, just one last turn..." I eased her impatience. This took a really great deal of effort to put together and time just right. Again, many favours and debts owed and paid. 

It had been two years but the short stack who was still a few centimetres shorter than me. Her face was framed a little sharper but still retaining that child-like expression of hers, and often had her hair tied into a ponytail the same way Aiko would. She even had a nice tan too, looks great on her - I'm not biased at all. Of course, Yuuki had updated her model in... other... interesting ways. Ahem, moving on!

The lovely gal in purple had turned the ripe old age of 18. Far surpassing the expectations of her terminal condition, this didn't mean she was fit as a fiddle, she was still confined to her sterile room and the Medicuboid, but that was hardly anything new.

Nothing about Yuuki's avatar had changed - equipment wise, same for myself. She and I were a little taller and I too looked less child-like, not to say we aren't still a pack of children regardless, but who cares? Yuuki was already beautiful, now I think I'd die of a heart attack anytime she smiled at me. Is that also biased? I don't think so...

"Stop," I pulled her shoulders, a smirk unable to be supressed on my cheeks as I removed the blindfold. "Happy Birthday, Yuuki,"

She blinked, adjusting her eyes to the quiet street in Panareze that faced the sea. Before her was quite the sight that left her speechless, it took her a moment to realize what she was standing in front of. Stepping out in front of her, I gave a grand gesture to the two storey building.

"Ta-da~ A near-perfect one-to-one replica of your old childhood home, courtesy of many, many hours of agonizing math! I really hate math," I deadpanned near the end, lowering my arms. "Best of all? Say this game in the distant future were to shut down, the data will be saved and is able to be transferred to your personal virtual space in the Medicuboid or other games that support private lot construction,"

"You... how did..." Yuuki couldn't believe her eyes, neither could I went I first suggested the plan at all. But, it turned out pretty well. She covered her eyes, trying to hide the tears beginning to fill up. "Dammit, I said I didn't want some emotional gift for my birthday, you jerk,"

Timeless [Yuuki Konno X OC]Where stories live. Discover now