Chp. 36 - Quarter Finals

200 8 16

[Alfheim Online, New Aincrad, Floor One Coliseum]

[Malzeno's POV]

The table for the Quarter Finals was updated during a brief break for lunch. 

Kirito versus a man named Railaan

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Kirito versus a man named Railaan. The guy looked like he came straight from the mountains, dressed in ice-blue armour with a thick wolf coat for a cloak, carrying a large two-handed greataxe with a single blade. Suffice to say, Kirito actually had quite the tight match.

The Black Swordsman collided in the middle with Railaan, a brittle conflict as both triggered polar-opposite skills, cold blue and furious orange clanged off the other, neither quite landing a defining blow, sparks flying with Kirito pushing Railaan backward with his flurry of blows against the heavy swings from the greataxe.

Railaan swung down for the final draw, but Kirito moved faster, cleaving through the man's waist with a horizontal finisher, a streak of blue dissipating in the air, dropping the mountain warrior to his knees. 

~AND THE GIANT'S DOOOOWN!!~ Cliffheart boomed, clearly shaking the mic in her haze of excitement.

~Kirito advances to the Semi-Finals, excellent battle, both of you~ Thinker actually did his job while Cliffheart continued on her commentators spree.


Pushed close to the edge of the arena, Asuna parried Klein's unrelenting strikes, despite his goofy demeanour, he happens to be one of the top katana players from SAO, and that skill still holds up, plus, being a guild leader meant he needed to work harder than the others. His attacks were hard and fast, fitting of a samurai, breaking Asuna's posture several times, leaving her open to a follow-up attack.

However, the Lightning Flash saw her opening before Klein could, he lunged with Ripple Thrust, his blade sunk into the wall, Asuna's blue hair swept behind her, diving overhead, tracing her glowing sky-blue rapier beside her as the blade ran perpendicular with her cheek. In a blinding flurry of thrusts, Klein's back was punctured, a final, powerful thrust to the center of his back slamming him into the wall.

I winced, seeing him lunge from the dust, blade cast in gold when the timer blared, saving Asuna's neck, her own rapier's tip poised for his chest. They panted, clearly exhausting their stamina when the crowd went ballistic, even Yuuki was going crazy, shaking me side to side.

~With the most HP left, after that stunning display of skill, Asuna wins and moves on to the Semi-Finals!~ Cliffheart settled, and both combatants dropped their arms, laughing a bit while Klein shrugged at her and held up his fist for the fans he had, Asuna blushed a little, giving a sweet, gentle smile as well. 

"Woohoo~! You're the best, Asuna~!" Yuuki cupped her hands around her lips, hollering the bluette's name.

"Everything's spinning..." I groaned, shaking off the daze from Yuuki's thrashing. Stumbling to my feet, I gave my friends a farewell. "Now, off I go to steal more riches from the fools. Seems some have come to their senses and betting on me, I'm so happy my encouragement paid off,"

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