Chp. 14 - Determination

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[Alfheim Online, New Aincrad, Floor 27]

[Malzeno's POV]

"Hey, Professor Blackie, Princess," Great, new guy's stealing my clever nicknames. He was a Salamander, red armour, red hair, the usual. Look really smug about it too. "Mowing down this horde with just the two of you is impossible, don't you think?"

"I don't know about that, I've never tried, so I have no idea!" Kirito shrugged honestly. 

"We'd ask you to stand down and let them pass but seeing as there's no point wasting our breath, we'll be more than happy to remove you by force," Asuna quipped with a venomous tongue.

"Course not, okay then, suck it up!" The leader barked, clicking his fingers. "Mage Team, let them have it!"

In the background, several spells of various elements were cast, forming purple plasma, and bolts of light arrows. "Hey, you guys-" I tried to ask if they needed help but back here we were spread thin. That's when I saw the pair looking back at me. 

Kirito and Asuna were smiling triumphantly, they knew what was a stake, probably thanks to Argo and the latter of the two. These guys... Nodding, I tapped Yuuki's shoulder to snap her out of a daze. "Just watch..." Asuna stepped back as I said this, and Kirito swung his blade around, landing over his shoulders as it cast his back in light blue.

The large white arrow was first, struck down with a wide swing, Kirito spun, striking left and right to banish the barrage of smaller blue arrows in a flash of sparks

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The large white arrow was first, struck down with a wide swing, Kirito spun, striking left and right to banish the barrage of smaller blue arrows in a flash of sparks. He dove backward, sweeping the ground in a vertical rising slash through the first plasma ball, the other two dispelled by Seven Deadly Sins, leaving only traces of magenta smoke at his and Asuna's feet, himself unscathed. 


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"Hah... GGO's awesome," I remarked with a slight laugh.

"No way..." Even Yuuki wasn't sure how that was possible. 

"Did he slice their spells?" Talken gaped.

"It wasn't a fluke?" Tecchi was equally in awe.

Kirito flicked his wrist, humming curiously, "Any high-speed spell is slower than a bullet from an anti-material rifle, you know?"

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