Chp. 59 - Once There Was a Land of Sword

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A/N: 18K and 600+ Stars! Thank you all so much!

[IRL, Tokyo Setagaya Ward, Yuuki Residence]

[Malzeno's POV]

I had a bunch on my mind today, once Kirito got the intel from the Toto Institute, we'll work from there. I already have a few people to call when we decide on a plan of action. Before then, I had someone I wanted to talk with in person.

Stopping just outside Asuna's house, it was decently sized, well-off given her family's jobs and the like. She really was like a Princess; thanks to Yuuki, she told me why I called her that. Just outside in a purple hoodie with a charcoal skirt, black leggings and white sneakers was the monotone-looking Mitsumi Tozawa.

"Lookin' like a ray of sunshine today, Tozawa," I called to, her teal eyes flashing to my emerald gaze in recognition. 

"Asami... you said you wanted to talk, why not over the phone?" Mitsumi questioned my motives, no surprise, she had this weird look around me since the airport.

"I thought that was obvious," I waved my arms but lowered my chipper voice with a relaxed expression. "I just... wanted to check up on you in person, I know you probably feel guilty over what happened to Asuna like Yuuki has for me,"

Misumi shook her head, lowering her eyes to the road. "No, I... I just thought back to the worst day of my life in that moment, and I froze up afterward,"

SAO? I decided to press on that notion. "Was this back in the death game?"

Nodding, she looked more open to speak, holding her head up as she leaned against the wall. "It was before we even cleared floor one, we were fighting a bunch of Little Nepenthes, but when I went for a monster that would drop a rare item, especially rare for the 1st floor, Asuna... her sword skill caused her to strike a variant of the plant mob, causing it to summon a near-endless horde, a gank trap meant to kill an entire party,"

I didn't say a word, because I couldn't picture what she was fighting but also to let her know she had my full attention. Misumi sighed, rubbing her temples for a moment to clear her brain fog. "...I-I got sent flying off a cliff, a-and when I looked around, they just kept coming from every angle, a-and our HP was so low, I..." She bit her lip at the horrid memory.

"You were terrified and ran," I answered for her, seeing her head nod bitterly with a sharp huff and forced smile.

"I spent weeks thinking I killed her, I only ever saw her again during the 1st floor boss, and I... she had already forgiven me, where I had only myself to blame for cowardly abandoning her like some scumbag," She kicked the pavement, exhaling heavily, her eyes filled with pain. "After that, I just... kept to myself, I couldn't be like her or Kirito, not if it meant I could get her killed, so... I focused my skills in making accessories that would boost a player's resistances and stats to their highest, by any means necessary. I wouldn't shut down, I could still do something, even if it meant never setting foot near a floor boss again,"

A small smile pulled at my lips. "That's amazing, I mean, you could've shut away like others, but you found a new way to help the frontlines. I think Asuna would've been happy to see that," For once, a lighter laugh escaped Misumi's lips.

"She sure wore a shocked face when I gave her what I created at the time, man, it was worth the trouble," Now, her eyes fell to me. "After the 5th floor boss, I knew I had forgiven myself for what I had done, but I still wasn't ready to be one of the best, that was okay for me... or, until you came along," Huh, me?

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