Chp. 40 - In The Aftermath

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[New Aincrad, Floor 22, Kirito's/Asuna's Cabin]

[Malzeno's POV]

A pleasant warm breeze brushed through the treeline and through the afternoon's clear skies, the sunlight reflecting off the large lake in the distance. The scent of various meats filling the air while a large group dotted the area around Kirito's and Asuna's cabin.

Various hands threw themselves high into the air, mine included with a drink in-hand. "To our new reigning champion, Yuuki the Absolute Sword!!" Klein hollered, stomping one foot atop a fence post. 

"Congratulations!!" We all followed suit, my wicked grin expanding when I saw Yuuki laughing nervously, a bashful blush dusting her cheeks while she raised her own cup to her lips to hide her smile. 

"This is kinda embarrassing..." Yuuki murmured after a sip.

"Aw, is Cupcake getting all flustered~?" I cooed, and I immediately caught the empty cup before it could strike me. "Refill?"

"Hrm... please," She pouted as I cackled, returning to the table set with colourful drinks, some of undisclosed nature--probably poison by mistake--Yui was sitting on the edge, watching Asuna put her culinary skills, literally, to work.

"Say, Mal?" I turned toward the voice coming from Leafa. "Why didn't you tell any of us you were gonna switch up your whole player model? And to your real appearance too?"

"Worried I'll have some of my 'adoring fans' coming after me for an autograph? Maybe even a pat on the back with a pointy object?" Though I doubt the thought crossed her mind, she still looked eager for an answer. "To be perfectly honest... it was fun seeing all your jaws drop, say for Pinky here, she knew ahead of time, obviously,"

"Thank you, thank you," Lizbeth bowed her head 'modestly'. 

"I was worried whenever you lost your hand during the fight... n-not that I didn't think you couldn't handle yourself!" Silica piped up, waving her hands soon after at her phrasing.

I dismissed it with a wave, "Ah it's no worries. If I'm being perfectly honest, I had no chance of even coming close to beating Blackie in a fight, guy's a freakin' psychopath with those swords, ah man-" I snorted a laugh, looking Kirito's way as he sat with Agil and Klein. "-the look on your face when you got riddled with bolts was priceless! Hahahaa!"

"Hey, I was prepared for bow and arrows not some vintage crossbow, and besides, it was only for a split second," Kirito, try as he may, attempted to appear aloof, though Sinon's piercing stare from her seat cut through it with ease.

"You can mow down an entire magazine of assault rifle fire with a photon sword but a few medieval bolts had you on your toes, hm..." Sinon kept her real motive ambiguous; she could be teasing him or considering the idea the next time they log in to GGO. Or both, it could very well be both when we're talking about that cold-hearted sniper.

Klein and Agil burst out laughing as Kirito's frown deepened, sipping down his whole drink in a flash. "Yeah, well, see if I care,"

"Guess that hit a soft spot, huh?" Yuuki commented as I handed her replacement drink, then she jabbed my side. 

"Ow, okay, what did I do or have yet to tell you I've done?" I replied, rubbing my side that didn't even sting; reflexes. "Nori better not have sold me out..."

"Sold you--not that, you being all pessimistic," She jabbed me again, looking at me firmly. "You were awesome out there the whole time! The way you kept Kirito on his toes and used every little trick you had to draw out the fight so your poison could kill him too, that was a great strategy!"

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