Chp. 26 - Moving On

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[Alfheim Online, New Aincrad, Floor 27]

[Malzeno's POV]

I stretched as I leaned up against the wall of the familiar tavern. It was the sight of many memories in a brief space of time. The Sleeping Knights were inside, so was their leader. I kept close to the door, listening in on what was said. Yuuki sat and explained everything that had transpired, given none of them knew what happened after the complications at the Monument of Swordsmen. Siune was silent through it all. 

Opening my eyes, I saw a message appear, 'You're good', taking my cue, I turned and exhaled to relax my body. Last I saw them, it was that day too, and Siune... she probably feels terrible for what happened. Twisting the handle that weighed a ton, I pushed forward, entering slowly as the door shut behind me with a round of shocked breaths. 

Everyone was only a few feet away, only now, there was no stretch between us, at least, I hope so. "Arc, Myst, Pix; I could really use your strength now," With that request, I met their eyes and got stuck in with a snarky tone. "Do you know... how frustrating those three days were? Going around and around in circles in your head trying to make heads and tails of what ya did wrong? Well, anyone? 'Cause I certainly had a bountiful amount of time to think about everything that's transpired!"

I saw Jun about to open his mouth and I put my hand out. "Ap-p-p, I'm ranting, I deserve this!" He recoiled as I paced. "Like, honestly, no goodbyes, no explanations, just 'I'm sorry' and that's that, really feeling the love like a knife to the back, and kick in the shin,"

"Mal, a bit much?" Yuuki winced with a nervous smile as she squeezed two fingers close together.

"You said I could do this, I am gonna milk this dry," I retorted with a proud grin. "And another thing - you guys really need a better way to communicate; Cupcake gets the excuse, she took being an introvert to the metatheoretical chiropractic level, the rest of you? Really? None of you have a phone?"

"We do-" Nori tried to interject.

"Rhetorical!" I chopped my hand in her direction. Then, I took a breath again, feeling light-headed. "Ugh, I think I'm gonna pass out..."

"You done?" Yuuki raised one brow at me.

Taking a deep breath, I then turned to her with a nod. "...Yes."

 "Malzeno, I..." Siune spoke up, drawing our gazes as she looked like she was really trying not to cry. "...what we did... what I said to you, I'm... I'm so sorry," She bowed her head, as if I was about to yell in her face. Well, can't say that scenario didn't crop up once. These guys trampled on my trust, if not for Kirito and Argo, I don't know what might've happened.

"Y-yeah, we just... sorry!" Jun was next, bowing with her.

"I-It wasn't fair t-to you," Talken too.

"Ya helped us a whole lot," Nori awkwardly rubbed her neck, bowing all the same.

"We thought it was best to not let you in, for that, we're deeply sorry," Even the silent giant Tecchi. 

I looked at them all, then to Yuuki who smiled back at me, it kept my head on straight during all of this. Stepping forward, I when from left to right, raising my right hand to lightly chop each of them on the head, punctuating my words. "Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again," Backing up, I ruffled my unkept hair. "Seriously, I'm fifteen, I don't need this crap on my conscience, SAO was enough mental gymnastics for one lifetime,"

They stood up straight in surprise at my forgiving nature. I put one hand on my hip, holding out my hand for Siune. "Now can we just be in the same guild already? Three months, I'm damn well gonna annoy you guys through it all; and for whatever comes after," I winked. "It's what Merida would want - erm, being in the same guild, not really the 'annoying' part, that's my hat in the ring,"

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