Chp. 23 - Memento of Yore

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[IRL, Hoshikawa Station]

[Malzeno's POV]

I really didn't like trains, more so how crowded they can be, but finally, we were free as I stretched out a long sigh. "Maaan, that was uncomfortable, swore someone was looking ready to swipe you," I relented as Yuuki laughed for the first time since we left. Whatever it was she wanted to see, it was plaguing her thoughts.

~Well, I know you'd come rescue me anyway, so I wasn't worried~ She complimented, making me laugh embarrassingly. ~Never taken a train in years so the sights were really fun to see, forgot how big Japan can be...~

"Imagine flying through the air though? That would a sight," I pointed out as I walked forward in the cool afternoon breeze, tucking my red jacket over my uniform. My blazer was in my bag so I could feel comfortable in my... well, comfort hoodie. 

~Yeah...~ She sighed. ~Sorry for making you humor me like this. Is your family okay with this?~

"Hm? Why wouldn't they be? My Mom's doing alot better after a surgery she had so she said for me to, and I quote, 'be a gentleman', pfft, like I don't do that already!" I snarked but I knew my Mom cared, "Besides, exploring on my longboard's fun, now I have a travel companion, so it's a bonus,"

Taking out the black wood that was jutting out from my bag, I held it out for Yuuki to see. ~Oooh, I've never really used one before~

"I assure you I have only nearly died twice," I put my hand up in a solemn vow. "Now then, where to, Cupcake?"

~Um...~ Clearly recalling where to go, I listened, and the second I was given a direction I gave a running start before zipping away on the longboard, keeping a mild pace as to avoid any accidents with the camera. 

This whole area was brand new to me, so I took my time to give Yuuki a good view of the area while I skated down streets and shopping streets, keeping my distance from people as Yuuki guided my feet, like her arm was pointing over my shoulder the whole time. Due to my speed compared to walking, say for any inclines, the sun was only just beginning to touch the horizon as I slowed down a little.

"Tsukimidai... could it be around here?" I pondered, not sure in which direction was best.

~Yeah... there's a white house around the corner up there. Stop in front of it~ By now, how Yuuki expressed very little emotion, and that obvious tell, I figured out why we came here. 

"We have arrived at our destination," I chimed after one last kick off the ground, soon, I skidded to a stop before a large, white house that appeared to be abandoned by the state of the garden and porch around the perimeter. "So, this was your place?"

~Yeah. I never thought I'd see it again~ Her voice was barely a whisper, the thoughts running through her head must've been heavy. ~Thanks for bringing me all the way here, Kazuki~

"Anytime - speaking of..." I picked up my board before approaching the lot.

~W-wait, just seeing it w-was enough, honest!~ Yuuki tried but I had the power to move of my own accord so I stepped past the hedges to look around, noting the fallen plant pots near the doorway. 

"May I remind you, the round trip is quite the distance, so better to make the most of this until we can stop by next time," I replied, moving to fiddle with the door handle, it didn't budge. With a shrug, I turned to shift the one standing pot aside, and to no one's surprise, a key was there. "I'll be keeping that," Beforehand, I walked around to the back garden as Yuuki sighed softly.

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