34. Sam Walsh

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Sam Walsh, the talented footy player, found himself immersed in a flurry of activity as he tried to plan a surprise proposal for his girlfriend, Megan. Juggling training sessions, team commitments, and the desire to create a perfect moment, Sam's schedule became even busier. 

However, Megan, feeling distant due to Sam's increasingly hectic routine, began to harbour doubts. She misinterpreted Sam's secretive behaviour as a sign of potential infidelity. Thoughts of him cheating consumed her mind, casting a shadow over their once-loving relationship. 

One evening, Megan couldn't contain her anxiety any longer. Convinced that Sam was unfaithful, she confronted him. "Sam, I can't shake this feeling that something's not right. Are you cheating on me?" she asked, her voice laden with a mix of hurt and suspicion. 

Caught off guard, Sam, with a guilty expression, tried to explain, "Megan, it's not what you think. I've been busy, but it's for something important. I promise it has nothing to do with someone else." 

However, Megan, fueled by her insecurities, couldn't see past her fears. Hurt and confused, she decided to leave, thinking it was the only option. Sam, desperate to salvage their relationship and realising the magnitude of the misunderstanding, made a split-second decision. 

Before Megan could walk away, Sam stopped her, his eyes filled with love and sincerity. "Wait, Megan. There's something I need to tell you," he said, dropping down on one knee. In his hand, he revealed a small velvet box containing a sparkling engagement ring. 

Megan, shocked and emotional, gasped as Sam poured his heart out. "I've been planning this proposal, not seeing someone else. I wanted it to be a surprise, but I guess my secrecy made you think the worst. Megan, will you marry me?" 

Overwhelmed with a mix of emotions, Megan's initial shock transformed into joy. She nodded through tears, a radiant smile breaking across her face. "Yes, Sam. Yes!" 

Relief washed over Sam as he slipped the ring onto Megan's finger. "I feel horrible for making you doubt us, Megan. I love you more than anything." 

Megan, now understanding the beautiful truth behind Sam's actions, wiped away tears of happiness. "It's okay, Sam. I love you too. This is perfect." 

Their misunderstanding transformed into a moment of profound connection. The proposal, born out of love and the desire to spend their lives together, became a turning point in their relationship. From that day forward, Sam and Megan navigated life's challenges with a deeper understanding and an unbreakable bond, proving that sometimes, love can emerge even from the most unexpected twists of fate. 

hey guys 

omd i lit love walshy how have i not written him haha 

have a good one 

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