15. Bobby Hill

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Madelyn, Bobby's girlfriend of six months, was the sun that brightened his days, but every now and then, the clouds rolled in.

It was a crisp autumn afternoon when their relationship hit a bit of a rough patch. They had been planning a picnic at the park, but as Bobby showed up a little late, Madelyn couldn't hide her disappointment. Her eyes, usually filled with warmth, now held a hint of frustration.

"Hey there, beautiful," Bobby said, trying to break the ice as he kissed Madelyn on the cheek.

Madelyn's smile was faint as she replied, "Hi, Bobby. You're late again. This was supposed to be a special day."

Bobby sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know, Madelyn. I'm sorry. Fly kept us late after practice, and I couldn't just leave."

Madelyn crossed her arms, her irritation showing. "Bobby, we've talked about this before. I understand footy is important, but so is our time together. It's starting to feel like I'm not a priority in your life."

Bobby's face fell, realising the truth in her words. "Madelyn, you are a priority. You mean the world to me. I promise I'll make it up to you."

She softened, her anger turning into a mixture of frustration and affection. "I just want to feel like we're both putting effort into this relationship, Bobby."

He nodded, gently holding her hands. "You're right, Madelyn. I'll work on balancing my commitments better. I don't want to lose what we have."

Madelyn smiled, her heart warming. "I don't want that either. Now, let's enjoy our picnic and make some beautiful memories."

As they sat on the blanket and shared sandwiches and laughter, Bobby couldn't help but feel grateful for Madelyn's patience and understanding. He knew he had to put in the effort to make their relationship work. Together, they turned a potential argument into a moment of reconnection, proving that love could weather any storm that came their way.


hey guys

so sorry i havent uploaded but writing all the requests rn n hoping to do them all, theres a few more i think around 3 or smth lol but anyways tho i hope u enjoyed this ch next one out soon 

have a good one 

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