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Nestled within the heart of a desolate wood, the technologically infused cabin stands as a juxtaposition to its rustic surroundings. LED panels embedded in weathered wooden walls illuminate the space, casting an otherworldly glow. Smart sensors control the temperature and lighting, creating an ambience that dances between nature and artificiality. The hum of hidden servers is only subtly audible beneath the chirping of distant birds. This cabin is a digital oasis amid untamed wilderness, a harmonious blend of modern innovation and ancient solitude.

A lone figure walks through the dense woods, his silhouette weaving through towering trees and dappled sunlight. The crunch of fallen leaves beneath his boots echoes in the solitude, accompanied by the occasional snap of twigs underfoot. Shafts of golden sunlight pierce the canopy, illuminating the path to a desolate cabin with weathered planks and a sagging roof. Nature's symphony surrounds him, a chorus of rustling leaves and distant whispers, as he inches closer to the secluded cabin, its solitude beckoning him like a forgotten secret in the heart of the wilderness.

The door of the cabin slowly creaked open and that lone figure walked inside pulling off his mask which was hiding that handsome face. He looked around, memorising his environment as the sound of voracious typing came from upstairs. He went up the wooden staircase, trying to remain as silent as possible. The wooden stairs end to an open lounge. A giant LED screen resting on the opposite wall and an unadulterated bird's eye view of the Cosa Nostra playing on it. Every inch of the thousand acres of land is visible. A long wooden table stands a couple of feet away from that screen with monitors and other technologically advanced gadgets on top of it. While one monitor runs the various codes of the dark web, the other keeps a close watch on the briefings of the stock market.

A man, nearly around thirty sits across the table, typing something on his Macbook. As if sensing a presence behind him, he slowly looks up from his screen. He slid the chair behind him and stood up without turning around. A faint smell of musk and woods hits his heightened sense of smell and a shock of terror goes down his spine. He cannot die when he is so close to the truth. The truth that will change the entire course of Cosa Nostra but will affect His Regina the most.

"If you think that your sudden emergence to my little holding will scare me then you are wrong." The man said pulling down his hood. "You might be the Shadow but I have always been the Hunter."

"I'm afraid that your expertise in hunts will cost me something too precious which I don't want to." The man said while remaining near the staircase. His eyes continuously roam over every other gadget, trying to find any technical piece that will give him away.

Within the dimly lit wooden cabin, the clash of two men echoes off the walls like a tumultuous storm. The air is thick with tension as they grapple and twist, the creaking of the old floorboards punctuating each struggle. Sunlight filters through the gaps in the curtains, casting intermittent beams on the chaotic scene. The scent of aged wood mingles with the exertion of the combatants, their movements a dance of determination and desperation. Splinters scatter as the cabin bears witness to their fierce confrontation, an intimate battleground surrounded by the silent embrace of the forest beyond.

The scent of pine mixes with the metallic tang of adrenaline-filled sweat. The clash of bodies reverberated through the shack as they grappled, desperation etched on their faces. Finally, with a sudden halt, the man in a tux gained the upper hand, forcing the other to a standstill at gunpoint. The tense silence hung in the air, broken only by heavy breaths and the distant howl of the wind outside.

"I'm not going to let you deceive Mia Regina..." Hunter said with gritted teeth as Daniel clenched his jaw.

"Deceiving her is the only way to have her." Daniel responded, "Moreover, I'm not deceiving her. I deceived the Cosa Nostra. That Cosa Nostra which cost me everything."

"It is the same either way," Hunter said coming closer to the gunpoint and Daniel tightened his grip. He is reckless when it comes to protecting his truth but Hunter is equally adamant in protecting that one person who gave him a new life. A new reason to live.

"Did you kill them?" Hunter asked despite already knowing the truth.

"I will have to kill you to answer that," Daniel said casually.

"Mia Regina will hunt you down to the end if you kill me." Hunter smiled with a proud appreciation. Yes, he has always been proud of His Queen.

"You know everything about me, Alberto..." Daniel answered calling Hunter with his real name. "You just lack a single fact. Daniel Valentino de Luca always loves a good chase, unlike the real Daniel who was a coward."

Daniel finally pulls the trigger.



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