~: Victor :~

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The moment Lillith stepped inside the elevator the next morning her eyes teared up. , every moment from last night danced in front of her vision. She bit her lips so hard in frustration that she tasted copper. She came out of the elevator she couldn't think of how she was going to face Victor again and went towards her apartment. The moment she stepped into the apartment, freshly baked pancakes and morning brew hit her nose. Victor is near the oven, shirtless, back facing me.

"Welcome home, Angel!! " - Victor said.
"And good morning to you too.." - Lillith replied and was going towards their bedroom when two tight arms caged her from behind.
"EAT. You need to, after everything." - He breathed on her neck, sending shivers down her spine. That's the thing with Victor. No one will ever know what is going on inside that devil's head. He went towards the island, pulling a stool. Lillith obliged and sat, waiting to be served. Victor looked mysteriously happy. And she doesn't know why but that scares her more. She was munching her pancakes and waiting for the perfect moment when Victor looked at me. His eyes were cold and his face emotionless.
"Do you want us to stop?" - He demanded and it was at this she knew that she fucked up.

She looked at him blankly, not knowing what to say when he got up and came towards her, pulling her in his embrace. He moved a bit and whispered in her ear
"You did the very thing I told you not to do. I know what you did." - His voice silk, coated in venom. She couldn't move and her breathing escalated just by thinking how to face him. Her thoughts were running everywhere and her breath got uneven when he lowered his head and breathed on his skin -
"When I let you go, run for your life.
Because if I catch you, I am going to pump myself into one of your tight holes again and again, leaving you sore yet begging me for more. And you'll take every inch like a good little girl that you're."

"I'm sorry..." - Lillith said without looking at him.
"When the trust is broken, saying 'sorry' is pointless." - Victor snapped.
"I need you. Please don't leave me.." -- A tear dropped from Lillith's eyes.
"If you think I'll believe you again..." - Victor started and that's it. She broke into tears guessing the conclusion. Everything felt numb. She sat with a thud, the couch soft beneath her but all she could feel was her sin. The murder, sex with Daniel, betraying Victor - her mind got haywire.

Victor folded his arms and stared at her. She squirmed under his gaze, hating how loaded the silence was.
"You do realise isn't it that I had no intention of taking things that far with Daniel," - Lillith began.
"Yet, here we are. Discussing your sex life." - Victor snapped.
Lillith winced at his tone. He stalked around the living room and she didn't need any supernatural senses to feel the anger pouring off him but she wasn't sure if it was directed towards her, or Daniel.
"We should talk about this.." - She said, steeling herself for whatever tongue-lash he will be heaping on her. After all, she was only supposed to have attended a masquerade with Daniel. Not make out with him. Yeah, if the situation were reversed, she'd be pissed too.

He walked over in a measured, deliberate way that was no less predatory for its slowness. When he was only a few inches away, his hands traced down the sleeve of her shirt, and she couldn't help but flinch. There was something almost menacing in the way he touched her.
"Where did he touch you? Kissed you?"
Lillith looked him in the eye.
"It didn't mean anything V. It was nothing like how I feel with you."
He leaned closer, his mouth almost brushing her neck. She couldn't help but shiver, wondering what he was about to do.
"I almost killed him last night." - Victor breathed the word so close to her skin that gooseflesh broke out where they landed. She didn't say anything, sensing that whatever control Vlad had used in not doing that before it is at its breaking point now.

His hands were still stroking her legs with a light, scary sensuality that made her want to cringe back - and edge forward at the same time. Her whole body seemed to be holding its breath. Then to her complete surprise, Victor yanked her pants down.
"What are you doing?" - She gasped.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" - He muttered as he spread her legs. Of all the things she had expected, this would've been last on her list. She was about to protest, when Victor grasped her around the waist and lifted her. Colour rose to her cheek because her legs were around his shoulder.
"V-Victor"- She managed to say. "Stop, let me down."
Ruthlessly his tongue continued to tease me.
"No, you're mine. And I'm taking you now." - He growled.

A short cry wrenched from her as Victor sucked her swollen clitoris. It felt incredible, inciting her to arch against him to feel it again. And again. Then repeatedly gasping in ecstasy at the sensations bombarding her. Talking things out suddenly felt overrated. Victor knew just what she loved, and she couldn't stop herself from getting lost in the sensation. After a few hours of skin-slapping, moaning, screaming and repeated orgasm; her body felt numb under him. He cleaned themselves and carried her to bed. It was indeed the best fight they ever had but she could still feel the weight of the truth she was hiding from Victor. Her body shivered at the thought of it and she disentangled herself from his embrace, sitting straight.

"There's something you should know." - She whispered. She could feel his muscles tense at her sudden declaration. "I'm listening," Victor said, his expression devoid of any emotions.
"I killed her. I killed Layla Genovese Devereaux." - Lillith confessed.
She paused for a moment, assessing his reaction but Victor remained impassive. After a few minutes, which felt like hours, his lips curved into a sly smile.
"You mustn't play with murder, Li'l One. It isn't civil."
" Why not? You said that I should do what makes me happy. Killing people makes my black, twisted soul very happy." - She declared, berating all her previous charades.
Victor still looked blankly inscrutable.
"With what?"- He asked.
Now we're talking.

"My dagger."
"Nope. Just slit."
For the next five minutes, they kept on discussing her creativity as psychopaths.
"Get some sleep, Angel. I'll take care of the rest." -He said, giving one of his rare smiles. Relief washed over her. And for the first time, in the last few hours, she felt taken care of.

👑 Victor 👑

"Capo." [Boss]
"I have a task for you. Make sure that Charles Genovese can never lay a hand on the details of his sister's death. And try to settle that contract with Daniel as soon as possible."
"Si Capo." [Yes Boss]
"Qualche informazione sullo 'Scudo Rosso'?" [any information regarding the 'red shield'?]
"Si, caveau privato-1, codice di accesso non ancora recuperato non sarà facile irrompere. Biometrici necessari." [Yes, private vault-1, access code not yet recovered will not be easy to break into. Biometrics required.]
"Il cui, di chi?" [I see, whose?]
"Non sono ancora sicuro." [I'm not sure yet]
"Hmm. Assicurarsi l'affare." [hmm, secure the deal]

Infiltration has always been my favourite sport and Roberto is my favourite companion. He had been there with me since the moment I stepped into this world. And now again putting his life at stake by being with my nemesis, but working for me.

The moment I entered the bedroom, a small smile crept on my face. Lillith was fast asleep. Her little snores can be heard across the room. I walked near her and stroked her face in a soft caress. No matter how much rage is boiling inside me, I can never bring myself to hurt her. She's everything real in this world of make-believe. Just enough madness to make her interesting. She's chaos and beauty intertwined. Never in my life, have I thought of becoming vulnerable. And here I am, kneeling in front of her existence as if she's my only redemption. My eternal bliss. And not for once I felt her inferior to me because my soul found its equal in her when I first laid my eyes on her.
6months back!!

She shifted, bringing me out of the trance. Her eyes were peaceful and then all of a sudden she jerked up, her eyes darting towards the big screen at the other end of the room She had been through hell.; yet she wears her troubled past like wings. Despite all the storms made of pain and loss, despite all the chaos that she has had to endure, she's still here and she's still going strong.

"Angel?" - I softly touched her shoulders and her eyes focused on me, thousands of questions in them. "I took care of it." - I assured her.

"I have my ways."


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