~: The Dagger :~

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🖤 Lillith 🖤

Life felt good since the moment I met Victor. He's indeed a true gentleman. He took care of me, fed me and even gave me company wherever I went. He did not even for once let me feel like a one-night stand. We went to shopping and then to dinner and finally back to my home.

The ride back home was silent. One, I was tired and second, I was thinking about the last couple of days. The moment we reached home it was nearly midnight. I got in and walked towards the kitchen to have a drink. I need my mind away from all this. Holding the glass of wine, I came to the living room, hoping that Victor had left. But he was right there, standing like a statue, keenly observing my movements.

"Is everything okay with you?" - Victor asked.
"Just a bit stressed. Nothing much." Gulping the wine, I walked towards my bedroom. Victor followed me and sat on the bed. I took a bath and the moment I came outside, Victor was playing with my dagger.
"It is indeed very beautiful. I never thought you had a thing for all this." - He smirked.
"Give it back, Victor." - I demanded, glaring at him.

Victor took off his jacket and came towards me. We were just inches apart when he started sliding down the tip of the blade alongside my left cheek down to my neck towards my cleavage. I flinched when that warm skin came in contact with the cold tip of the blade.
"You know Angel, the first time I saw you, I felt something," He looked deep into my eyes and continued, "You have a darkness in you. Everything about you is just a pretence. You hide your true self against that beautiful smile and I want to know the truth." - He demanded.

This is the moment I always try to avoid. Yes, I'm dark. But I don't think anyone is capable enough to understand what I went through. I looked back at him and said - "What if I say the same for you?"
Victor gave me a challenging look.
"48 hours ago, I barely knew you. And now you're here, asking me something I'm not comfortable to share with you."
"We were supposed to give each other 'honesty' regarding everything. But here you're, backing off the moment it's time." -He hissed at me.

I can understand that he's getting furious but I can't do this. I took a step back and looked him in the eyes, my voice unstable - "I'm well aware of what we decided but I'm not comfortable enough to have this conversation with you. Forgive me, please."

The way Victor looked shuddered me. I can understand that I had already hit the last nerve. He pinned me to the wall tilted his head and sighed -
"Forgiving someone is like a sin to me. I neither forgive nor forget. And it's the same for you, Li'l One. If you think that you can talk me out of this then you're wrong. I'm the King and you can never convince me with those whimpering and whining. So, stop trying."
He growled near my ear - "Don't play with me." He bit my neck and sucked it hard, leaving a mark there. It was painful but sensual. And before I could react, he turned around and walked towards the door.

"Are you leaving me?" - I asked, my voice breaking with the sudden lump in my throat. Victor looked at me and sighed - "Yes. I'm leaving you. For the time being. Until you're comfortable enough to be yourself with me. And yes, don't try to come for me because you can never find me until and unless I want you to find me. Take care, Angel."

I broke down with his words. For the last 2years, I've never been this happy, the way I was for the last 48 hours. I can't lose him. I was surviving but Victor made me feel alive. I ran towards him and hugged him tightly, not letting him go.
"Please don't leave me." - I cried
"I don't have a choice, Angel." He tilted his head and kissed me passionately. He finally looked at me, stroking my hair behind my ears and pecking my forehead. He then walked out of the door and never looked back.

I lost him, and that single thought shattered me.

👑 Victor 👑

Walking down the street, I bumped into someone.
"Watch where you going bastard." - The man shouted. I was already on my last nerves and that was it. I grabbed him by his collar and growled - "Don't mess with me or it'll be the last thing."
"What are you going to do? Kill me?" - The man cackled.

I gave a smile that made the man pause and he started running away from me. The man kept on running and turning his head constantly to see if he was being followed. He stopped when he was near a construction spot. It was dark and desolate. He was thinking of going back when he saw someone coming from the other end of the road.

I took long strides and in a couple of minutes, I was in front of that man.
"You shouldn't have reminded me of that." - I smirked.
The man tried to back off when I held his neck and snapped. The man fell with a thud and died. I moved away from the corpse and walked away rolling up my sleeves and my tattoo popped out. Nothing but a letter. My pseudonym. My other personality. My real existence. The only letter Lillith dreaded the most.

- V

It was nearly dawn when I came and stood near Lillith's house, his balcony visible to me. Lillith was standing there with the dagger in one hand and a glass of wine in another. Her eyes were swollen and her hair flowing in luscious waves, dancing in a rhythm with the cold breeze. Bringing my phone out of my pocket, I typed a message -


I pressed the sent button and looked back at her. She looked at her phone clenched her jaw and threw the phone inside of her room, unaware of my presence.

"Calm down Li'l One, I can see your darkness coming out."


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