~: The Happily Ever After:~

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🔥 Verena 🔥

"Mamma...MAMA...DADA.."  — They screamed and we came out of our high.
"Remind me again Roisinn, why did we want these devils?" — Daniel grunted and I laughed.
"Coming, sweethearts.." — I screamed back.

8 years have passed by...

A lot happened in these eight years. It was a never-ending roller coaster ride. Papa passed away three years ago. That void still haunts me for some time. The Ring does not exist any more. It's history. There is no war with the Russian Syndicate. The planned assassination of Ronan de Lucas and her wife is something Daniel never spoke of and I never asked. Irrespective of everything he admired and respected Papa. That much I was sure of. The Cosa Nostra is finally free, happy with its freedom. Amongst all these me and Daniel build our little family everyday. Small steps. To the happy future.

Five years back we were blessed with twins.
Two little boys.
Charles and Crispin.
Daniel's reaction was beautiful —
"They are so small, love."
"How do we know who's Charles and who's Crispin?"
"Roisinn, they look just like you."

His excitement was never-ending.

Daniel gave me a new life. He stayed with me through the better and worse. He loves Verena and adores Lillith. We are twisted in our ways but stay true to each other nonetheless.

13 years ago when I fled away from Italy to seek my happily ever after, I never realised that I would come here again. My ways were dark. I murdered a lot of people but I have no regret. I did that for the people I love and I'll do it again if needed. That's how Lillith was born.

That day when I walked into Daniel's office, I never thought that this would be the person I'd be waking up to every day. Daniel made me believe in fantasy. He made me believe that love is magical. That there's nothing wrong with love but with the execution of it. He loved me despite my flaws. Hold me tight through my nightmares. Killed the demons lurking in my shadow. He became the ray of sunshine as well as my tempest.

And now I truly believe that there's no point in rushing love, it will find you when it needs to.

We came out of our room and both the boys came running to us.
"We will be getting late for the picnic, Dada." — Crispin pouted.
"You two aren't even ready." — Charles screamed.
The two are identical physically but very different in their mannerisms. One is a drama king and the other is a devil's spawn.
"Give us two minutes, love. Mamma and Dada will be right back. Why don't you go and re-check everything?" — I cooed and they nodded. Then ran away to double-check stuff that they had been already checking for the last twenty-four hours.

We got ready and came down the stairs, the boys already waiting for us. We got into the car and drove away to the Chateau, to drown in the bliss of our happily ever after...

This is us...
Our life...
Our story...
Our home...

Our home

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

~~~~~~~~~ The End  ~~~~~~~~~

 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷... Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang