~: The Club Cataclysm:~

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🖤 Lillith🖤

"Coffee?" - Suzy asked.
"No."- I looked at her, "Just sit with me." - I urged her.

Suzy looked at me and sighed. She came over and sat beside me, holding my hands.
"Lily you can tell me." - She assured, her eyes desperate about my condition and I broke down in front of her, crying my heart out; telling her all that happened between me and Victor.

Yes, it's already been a couple of weeks and there's no news of Victor. No call, nothing at all. I tried to call him but every time it got disconnected. I didn't understand the gravity of his words when he said I wouldn't be able to find him as long as he didn't want to.

Suzy has always been my safe place. She listened to every bit of my condition patiently and smiled at me, vaguely.
"Lily, my dear, you should've told him everything that happened that night when you were coming from the airport. Victor seemed a sensible man. He must've understood. There's no way you can live like this. Whatever happened that night wasn't your fault. You were just a victim like countless other girls and women. But you're here now. All strong and brave. And that's what matters. Victor would never hate you for that."

I looked at her after composing myself. The way she is trying to disentangle the knots of my situation is very helpful. But I can never comprehend how much I'm scared of what will happen next if any of them comes to know about the truth. The actual truth. That incident didn't stop there and the wound never healed. I know that they all love me but the moment they'll get to know the truth they'll abandon me. The thought shuddered me and I shifted in my position. I can't lose my friends with the truth but I can't also be with Victor with a lie. I need to tell him everything.

Suzy stood up abruptly breaking my thoughts and I looked at her. She's smiling creepily.
"Fess up!" - I demanded.
She looked at me and smiled - "Get up and get dressed. We're going somewhere. Don't ask, just do it."

It's half past 10 and I'm standing outside of a nightclub. NIRVANA. The name of the club brought back memories. This is the place where I met with Victor that night.
"What are we doing here?" - I asked her in disbelief.
"Well," she chimed, " this is the place you met your prince charming that night. What if you find him again here tonight?" - Suzy winked at me and dragged me inside.

The club is loaded. It was the weekend after all. Booze and music rolled in the air. Me and Suzy went to the bar, ordering our preferences. But my eyes kept on searching every inch of the club with a single hope of finding that one person, again.
"He's not here." - I sighed.
"Don't lose hope, Lily, the night has just begun." - Suzy smiled and went towards the dance floor.

It was midnight when I lost all hope of finding Victor here. I'm getting tired and the alcohol in my system started to take its role. Suzy is still on the dance floor with some random guy, grooving with the music, making all of the night. She must have fought with Lee, she does this every time she's upset. I went to the restroom and on my way back found a couple making out in the corner. Seeing them stirred something deep in my already aching heart and I ran out of the club towards the parking lot.
"I need to go home. There's no point in staying here." - I muttered and started walking away when someone grabbed me from behind and dragged me towards the dark alley. A sturdy hand is sealed over my mouth, muffling my screams.

After a few moments, the man pushed me onto the street and I fell with a thud. I turned around to find three men towering over me and they were drunk. Their gaze was filled with lust when they looked at my thighs which are now exposed for my little dress.
"You're indeed tasty." - One of them smirked, licking his lower lip and I understood what was going to happen. They didn't drag me here for some little chit-chat.

They're going to fucking rape me.

They're going to fucking rape me

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