15- Burden

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Iram's pov


I'm in a good mood today.

I don't know why, but I'm

"Assalamualaikum" I greeted as I entered the house.

But my mood changed when I saw ammi was going to scold Rayyan.

I know she is angry with me, but vent her anger on a 5 year old baby.

I saw abbu was persuing her to stop.

Ammi saw me, and mock.

"Weren't you were laughing with them, where was your poker face. All of your poker face will come when you are with us".

"You didn't like my chosen dress fine, but you don't have so be obvious".

"And who told you to sit beside Kabir, you guys are not even married yet. Have some shame".

"When we were young, we didn't get to see the face our groom".

I sigh 😞

"Rayyan baby go to my room". I said to him .

It's not good for the kids.

Her face didn't look good for few seconds.

I know they like him too.

Because he is the boy, and the boy always take care of their parents in old age.

"I was told to sit in front with Kabir, I was going to sit beside you only. But there was no space".

"And I did wear all the design dresses, I didn't get to choose them. Aunty was the one who chose it, so how it's my fault now".

"If you have a problem, go talk to her".

I said it all, and left for my room.


Rayyan was sitting on the couch.

As I entered he ran and hug me.

I hug him back and kiss his forehead.

After freshen up we lay on the bad.

It was 10pm, he should be sleeping at this time.

But his eyes has no trace of sleep.

"Baby, what happened?", "why you look so unhappy?"

I asked him.

"Appi, are you going to be married?"

He asked.

"Hmm, my baby" I nod and kiss his forehead.

"So you are going to leave me?"

I frown, "who told you that?"

"I hear ammi saying, "after you get married and leave this house, it would be good".

"She said 'her one burden will be less".

I sigh ...😔

"Listen baby, I am not going anywhere. Yeah, it's just that I'm going to live with some other people". I kiss his forehead as he leans into my neck.

"But I'm not going anywhere out of Mumbai, or India. I'm just few houses away from you, you can come whenever you want".

"Ok Rayyan, don't think to much. Tomorrow you have school and this Sunday I will let you met a Shayaan,"

"He is same age as you, so you guys can be friends".

"Now sleep". I again kiss him and he close his eyes.

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