01- Appi

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I'm Rahii,

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Author's pov

In a dim and peaceful room,A lady is sleeping peacefully with a white tiger and a cat, one is sleeping on her body covers her like the blanket and other near her head. In the room only inhaling sound of lady and her pets can be listen. After a few minutes an alarm rang breaking the peacefulness of the room waking up all three from them their bueatifull sleep .



I hear these alarm rings for Salah, I move my arm to stop the alarm and open my eyes to see the time ,it's 4:20. Due to an alarm my babies woke up ,"Yehan & Snowball".
I scratch my Yehan fur on his neck with one hand and snowball with the other. They both love when I scratch and massage them. They are my lifeline reason, One has saved me and the other was saved by me.

My Yehan is a male White tiger and snowball is a male siberian cat. Yehan is all over me, his body covers me like a blanket and his head on my chest. He love this place but get jealous when my Rayaan sleep on his place. And the same goes for snowball. They both are my jealous people.

I got up from the bed, took a quick bath did my wazu (Ablution) and stood for salah (prayer). After praying it's 5am. I hit the gym, my trainer has come to Sameer. He was a psycho when it came to train me or to train Sam. But he doesn't go to Sam's house in evening to train husband and wife, cause they have some excercise to do.

After the gym at 7am, I take a bath again and it's a long one. I came out and took my formal suit for a walk in closet and changed into them.

 I came out and took my formal suit for a walk in closet and changed into them

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Iram's outfit

Butler has prepared my breakfast, I start eating it and check my phone for the files for this morning meeting. Alex called me to inform me about today's schedule. At 8 am
I come to my penthouse gate, and the watchman takes out my car from the garage. I sat in, and started the car.

My Audi stopped at the tallest skyscraper's parking in Mumbai, I got out of my car and made my way to the VIP lift. I reach my .cabin Eric opens the door for me where Alex brings me a coffee.

Alex and Eric are my personal assistants and they are heads of the Assistance Department.

I ask Eric, "Is the preparation of the meeting ready"?

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