07- Italy

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Iram's pov

Today I'm all alone in this huge mansion with only workers and they left to their quarters after completing their work.

Yehan and Snowball are sleeping in their room without anything except a body shaper. Mama, Dada and Areeb had left for Italy two days back. I wanted to sleep but I can't sleep while thinking about the conversation I hear of ammi and abbu.

Flashback ✨

After the visit to Qafiya Aunty's house Ammi has stopped me from going to my penthouse, thus I'm here in the study room work on my dream project. I hear my phone ring I picked it up and this call made my day, and the real smile comes in my face.

That is to confirm if my Dream House's construction and decor will be done in 7 months, in the 7th month I'm ready to move into my dreamy house. It is located in the wealthiest part of Mumbai. Areeb bhai's house also will be done in 8 or 9 months next to my house.

I was happy as I strolled around the corridor on the first floor of my parents house. I hear my mother's voice telling my abbu that she has seen a boy for me to get married. He is wealthy and has a good face & family.

Now I understand why my mother always feels embarrassed to introduce me to her friends, and today she took me to her friend's house for lunch. That was nothing but a plan to show me to their family.

All my happiness vanished into thin air after listening to their conversation. My mom said that I'm going to be an old woman if I didn't get married in one year. Mom I'm only 22 years old. How I'm old or how I'm a burden to them, I am the person who suppy money in this house or their all wants, how I'm a burden to them?

I ran towards my room, opened the door of my balcony and sat on the swing thinking of the talks.

Even Qafiya Aunty has also lied to me about today's sudden visit to her house. She is nothing but an outsider, why I thought that she is a good person, I mocked myself.

Rain water has been drenching by clothes as I'm on the swing and its shed is little to hold a person from getting wet.

Flashback ends ✨

I picked up my phone called Alex to book me the earliest flight for Italy. I don't want to be here and I don't want to remember their conversation.

My Flight is at 10pm at night, now it's 5pm in the evening, I made my way downstairs and towards the door.

But Ammi stopped me and said, " we have got a marriage proposal for you and you also know their family, so you are getting married I have said Yes from our side".

" Ok , let me think about it ". I said in a rough voice as I had cried and the rain brought me a cold.

I left for Italy a 8 hour of flight and 1 hours of to reach my Mama's house, I rang the bell the head maid opened the door for me. It was late at night I said to her not to distribute my dada mama's sleep tell them my arrival in the morning.

As I left for my room, I can't sleep. I got up for the bed as I got an idea.

After 5 in the morning I fell in asleep.

At 9 am mama, dada and Areeb Bhai entered my room. I had been awake an hour ago staring the ceiling of the room.

Mama came to me. She sat at the head of the bed rest my head on her lap and tightly held the cushion in my arms. Dada and Areeb sat at the side of the bed. Mama didn't said anything or asked me anything. She only caressed my hair.

Heartless~'जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें