Chapter XV Unlucky Bastard

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Doc was enjoying being thrown around the room of sweaty, drunk people as the mosh pit was raging until he was suddenly removed from the whirling mass of humans converging violently in an alcohol and metal induced trance to see Hedg's face, uncomfortable close to his. He was bleeding from his nose so few thoughts immediately crossed his minds, none of them were foreshadowing anything pleasant though. Hedg dragged him out of the main hall of the venue where the band played and lightly slapped him on the cheek to get his attention.
- I need your help. Now. - He said gritting his teeth. 
- You got your ass kicked? - Doc asked with a tired tone. Hedg let go of his arm. 
- Got your gun? - He responded with a question while looking for his cigarette case. 
- Yeah but I don't think am in a state that would allow me to take any kind of aim. I'm kind of seeing double. Besides, what the hell is goin on there huh? - He asked while massaging his arm somehow irritated. 
- There's a devourer we gotta deal with... 
- Don't you think we should tell the others? Besides, how only you can sense it but Em or Shubby don't? Shubby's playing and Em seems to still have a lot of fun with Bullterier... - Doc scratched his head. 
- This one's personal. There's no need to alert the others. Let them have some fun. Are you gonna help me or not? - He asked impatiently while looking in the direction of the exit.
- Always. - Simply replied Doc. - I can take one for the team... 

They left the establishment in a hurry. Doc still felt quite woozy but he trusted Hedg to handle most of the work. He seemed pretty certain on the whole "they can deal with it alone" thing. Although he was intrigued by the "personal" aspect of the subject. 
- Is there any use in asking why that one in particular is personal to you Hedg? Knowing your secretive nature? - He asked jokingly as they were walking on the middle of the street. Hedg stopped for a second and looked at him with a stone cold expression but after a moment of silence, he seemed almost uncertain. 
- Doc. I trust you with my life. You do piss me off a lot. You ain't givin' me an easy time no, but I really do Doc. And since I do, I will tell you. You see, this one wants to see me and only me because we kind of got a history together. He left a mark on me to be certain to meet again. I wouldn't like the others to know of this connection. - He pointed his head in the direction of the bar.  - Do you know why? - He asked with a pained expression.
- I honestly got no idea.
- Because the last time I saw that demon I failed. I was simply to weak. Before I've met you lot, it wasn't as dandy and easy as it is now. I took some beatings. I had to run away. I've had to let some people get... - He looked as if he couldn't simply finish the sentence. - Well,  I don't want the rest to know I got blood of innocent people on my hands. I don't want any of you to bear the same sin. So this is the time to repent. That's why this one's mine. - It looked like he still had something on his mind.
- So... is that all brother? - He asked to perhaps reveal some more of Hedgs weirdly messed up past. 
- What else is there to say... - He replied frowning. 
- Man, you're a bad liar. - Doc chuckled and lightly punched his shoulder as they started walking. Hedg gave him one of his unusually depressing smiles. A smile of a person that has nothing left to do but smile while everything around goes to hell.
- Just a bit shaken after the concert. Nothing ever changes for me. Never will. - Doc nodded but was quite dissatisfied with the answer. Something did change this night.

They stood in the same spot where they encountered the skinheads before the concert. The street was eerily dark and quiet. Even the street lamps seemed less bright. 
 - One more thing though. This twat we're about to encounter. I'm gonna struck a deal with him but worry not. You got full permission to blow his brains out if he gets the upper hand, which he won't this time around. He's quite weird one too. Kind of like the Librarian. Very prideful and honorable in a way so he will want to fight one on one. You ready? - Doc cocked his gun, ready to use it.
- What will you bet in this deal?
- As always, our lives. - Said Hedg with his hollow smile. Doc nodded. 
Hedg grabbed his shoulder and the world started spinning at an alarming rate. His mind was flooded with imagines of the street they were standing on, converging with each other, molding a new reality. They stood in the same spot as before but the surroundings changed. The lamps were brighter and the lights whiter. A full moon was shining brightly yet the shadows seemed sharper, darker. They were almost purely black. To his surprise streets looked cleaner. Somewhere about hundred meters away he saw few silhouettes. Four looked like the guys they've beaten up before the concert but one was much different. Standing around three two meters tall, it turned it's head to them. - He's waiting for us. - Said Hedg as he started walking towards them.  As they got closer to their target Doc noticed that people they've met before were shouting, but no sound could be heard. They were standing in a shadow as if unable to move their legs... or move past it. Their dark silhouettes seemed blurry. It was almost like looking through foggy glass. Although interesting, the devourer was even more interesting. It had an insectoid kind of look. It was very thin and it's legs bent in the opposite direction. It's big triangular head had around dozen eyes on each side. They were big, covering most of it's face. Some yellow, some green, some black. Few of them were missing. Scarred as if plucked out by something sharp. It's nasty teeth were long and sharp, expanding beyond it's small irregularly shaped mouth. Surprisingly, it was wearing clothes which was very unusual for a devourer. It wore an old, dirty, torn police uniform. In his four fingered hand he held a silver blade which shined in the moonlight. It was crude in it's form, handle seemingly melding with the edge. Although simple, it looked incredibly sharp. They stood few meters away from it. Men stuck in the shadow of a nearby building could be heard faintly screaming for help and they were moving as if trying to break the barrier between them, hitting the air with their fists.
- I was waiting Craver... - It spoke with a loud, rustling whisper. 
- Good evening Khroug! Isn't it a beautiful night for a friendly chat? A little fight perhaps? - Said Hedg with a smirk. 
- Yes but I did not expect any more of you. - It replied while looking at Doc. 
- He's a part of the bet, we're upping the stakes. His life and lives of the guys you've previously caught. 
- Wait, wait, wait Hedg, that's not how we talked about it earlier. - Said Doc outraged. Hedg raised an eyebrow and took his glasses off. His eyes were replaced by crystal like spheres like the time he almost died, or really died, on the beach while fighting the The Sea Emperor. Seeing them from up close. They were translucent and had a ruby like hue. It looked like there was blood, flowing and twisting inside of them. 
- Relax Doc. I ain't gonna lose. - Doc looked him in the eyes. The cold crimson gaze gave him chills. His eyeballs shined strongly in the moonlight, they looked like they've almost had a light of their own. Doc felt an eerie feeling of an imminent, grave danger approaching. He cracked his neck and knuckles. 
- Well, seeing you like this... I better fuck off then. 
- This is not all. - Said the monster. - If I win, I get to have a look of your insides. Yes? Take some for myself yes?
- Sure buddy. Although If I win, I get that pretty sword of yours, and you will help me on the Endless night. 
- The terms are acceptable. - The monster looked at Doc and tilted it's head. It blinked with it's many eyes while thinking. - Fuck off? Inside that shadow... Yes? - Doc complied and promptly fucked off into the shadows like Khroug said.

As he stepped through the blurry barrier, he could no longer make anything off of Hedges or Khrougs silhouettes. They were barely moving shapes. On the other hand he could see surprised faces of the gentlemen they've met before. He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head. 
- You've got yourself quite an adventure huh? - He said sarcastically. 
- What the hell is goin on here?! - Asked the one in a denim jacket while stepping dangerously close. Doc took his gun out and waved it in the air before he could get any closer. He clicked with his tongue and waved his head in disapproval. 
- I ain't too thrilled about saving you bunch of assholes out of this shithole you know? Well, not me, he's saving you. - He pointed his gun in Hedges direction. - Although am not sure if he actually will. You see. We deal with monsters like the one you saw. I got a gun. I shoot them in the head and that's it. But my friend there on the other hand is totally psychotic when he meets one. He beats em' with his bare hands. He beats em' to a pulp. He beats em' because he fucking loves it. You shouldn't be scared of this monster. You shouldn't be scared of this gun. You should be scared of him and a situation where he wins and doesn't have enough blood on his hands. Because then, you're the next target 'aight? So better shut the hell up and pray for your sins you bunch of dickheads. - Doc spitted on the ground and laughed. - Shit... maybe am actually a bit similar to him. - He enjoyed their fear a bit too much he thought to himself. He smiled a bit wider and crossed his arms. - That's what the hell is goin on. So better act nicely and maybe you will get out of this alive...

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