Chapter IX This Place Is Death

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Bishop finally finished Shubbys tattoo. As he groaned and stood up from an armchair to look in the mirror, his mind was flooded with a feeling of frustration and fear. He felt hopeless, cornered. Fingertips of evil presences caressed his brain. 

- So how do like it? - Asked Bishop with a smile. Shubby woke up from the distraction. 
- Huh? Oh yeah yeah the tattoo is great. Thank you Bishop. - He said stuttering. - G-guys? - He gulped as the evil presence got stronger. Bullterier and Doc immediately noticed he was feeling uneasy. 
- Yo Bishop. Is there any chance you got a bible in there? - Asked out of context Doc. 
- Well I would need to look for it... probably... Why tho? - Asked Bishop raising his eyebrow.
- Inspiration. - Replied simply Doc. - You know we like symbolic tattoos.
- Makes sense. - Replied Bishop understandably. He started going through his stuff. As their host was distracted. Shubby put his clothes back on and whispered to the rest of the crew. I
- I feel something very, VERY malevolent somewhere close. 
- What?! How did you not feel it before? - Doc said surprised.
- It somehow cheated my senses. Hedg and Em must have felt something and went to check it. We need to go, now. - Explained Shubby.
- Got it! - Shouted Bishop. Shubby immediately grabbed it out of his hands and started goin through it. 
- We gonna go for a cigarette, Hedg got some business for us to reveal. We will be back soon. - Lied Bullterier smiling and patted Bishop on the back while the rest of them started putting their clothes on. - Can I borrow that baseball by the way? - He asked pointing at the few colorful bats hanging on one of the walls. 
- What for... - Bishop got confused and a little scared so he bit his tongue. - Well I suppose you can... 
- Appreciate it brother. - He said still smiling and gave Bishop a quick hug...

They left the building and hid behind another block. Everyone of them lit their cigarettes, almost at the same time. Shubby started reciting the verses from the bible. Ginger got his brassknuckles out, Bullterier was spinning his baseball bat around. 
- You strapped Doc? - He asked his friend. Doc noded silently. 
- What's the plan? - Asked Ginger. Bullterier looked at him with a surprised expression.
- Usually, you're not the one to ask that or follow them either. - He commented.
- I know, but I ain't that much of a blockhead to not know it's something weird this time.
- I guess we will have to see the situation first... - He couldn't finish the sentence as Shubby ripped the bible page and shortly, they were all enveloped by red flames. They certainly weren't ready for what unraveled in front of their eyes.

The sky turned dark violet with the moon missing, being replaced by a giant, yellow, unblinking eye, stalking them from above. The trees were blooming with red leaves, with sore eyeballs hanging from some of the branches. Grass looked much sharper than usual, almost as if it was replaced by shards of broken, black glass. The buildings were mostly in terrible conditions with paint coming off of them, broken windows, and some missing entire floors or roofs. They all quickly run to the middle of the road.
- EM! Hedg! - Shouted Ginger. They all felt an uneasy feeling of being observed, even though the eyes on the trees weren't exactly looking at them. Shubby immediately run to nearby bushes next to Bishops tenement. 
- Come help me! - He told the rest. 
- I got KO'ed! - They've heard Hedgs voice from the bush. They helped him stand up and all gathered on the sidewalk. He grunted as he stood on his visibly broken leg, with the bone piercing through the skin.
- What's happening? Where's Em?! - Asked Shubby. They all went through various states of panic. 
- We were ambushed. The demon can hide his presence. He threw me out of the window and Em was left alone with him... UGHH! - He screamed as his leg started moving on it's own. The bone went back to it's place with an awful crack that sent shivers down everyone's back. - And I can do that now I guess... - He grunted and took his pocket knife out of his pants. They made sure he can stand on his own and they all stood in circle. 
- Where is she? Lets go get her! - Said Ginger ready to get to action. 
- HERE... - They've heard a booming, powerful, distorted voice coming from the top of the building. 

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