Chapter XII-/-XIII I Don't Wanna Be Me

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Oh God, the calm coldness that washed over me. The coldness that I so very desire. It almost took me to the center of the void I've been screaming into for so long. The void where everything ends. The void that would finally bring me peace. 

Yet he wouldn't let me die oh no. I knew that. I was quite disappointed when I left my lifeless corpse. That's what I am, a moving corpse. My mind was scattered into pieces. I was only just in time to warn her. Only just in time to stop the Demon. Close call if you ask me. 

Quite hard to pick the shards of your consciousness when your brain is dead. So many demons screaming in my ears. So many evil presences trying to crawl their way out. Enough to drive anyone mad, yet I still persist on my fucked up quest. 

And the Jailer, he wasn't screaming, no, but I knew he wasn't pleased either. He will never be satisfied, not until I finish my task. He did give me some freedom though. It was quite refreshing to have a break from that cell, even if just for a moment. 

I am sad I have to go back, or maybe that's just Jailer speaking. I don't really know at this point. They will be suspicious again but I can't tell them the truth. He wouldn't let me anyway. He's the king, sitting on a throne made of corpses and carcasses. I am destined to join the pile I've been making for him, I have no hope for any other outcome. 

You caught me there! That was actually him speaking, I have a plan. I still die at the end of it like am supposed to, but I hope I will get rid of some evil before I do. Perhaps they will be strong enough to fix it by that time. I sure hope for that. 

I wish I could do more. I wish for many things. Definitely too many looking at my situation. My biggest wish though? There's one about someone I don't know much about yet. They don't know about me either. God I wish I could see ?!?!?!?!?. 

Sorry. It's getting harder and harder to think. My mind is getting tired. It's quite hard to keep it together for much longer. Sadly it's time to get back. It was a nice breather wasn't it though? 

Doc regained his eyesight and couldn't believe his eyes. He landed the shot! Librarian was kneeling with a hole in his knee. But how?! It must have been a miracle. Did God actually listen this time? So many questions in his mind. Suddenly he got scared again. Hedg just leaned over his arm. 
- Back to life again you fucking bastard?! Don't you scare us like that you damn maniac! - He screamed. Hedg just looked up to his eyes and blinked slowly, like a deer in the middle of the road, waiting to get hit by a truck. 
- I need a beer... - he said with a quiet, weak voice, and vomited all over Docs jacket...

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