Chapter XI Cadavre Exquis

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Hundreds of dead, black trees started to twist and move all around Em and Bullterier. Eyes were falling of off them, sometimes detaching with whole branches. The branches were also moving as if trying to get together to assemble something. The air was filled with sounds of wood cracking, but it was somehow much more sinister than it normally would. They looked at each other with their eyes wide open. 
- Go get the little girl, am about to burn this goddamn place to the ground!  - Shouted Emilia. Bullterier nodded and started running in the direction they came from. Em took a deep breath. Now it was just her, alone on a gravel path, surrounded by thousands evil gazes. The branches and eyes on the ground were forming little humanoid creatures, only few feet tall. The little abominations were twisted and moved slowly and chaotically as if they were trying to learn how to walk. Little golems were rickety, but with every second there was more of them, bigger, and more coherent. They all had dozens of eyes sticking out in random places on their bodies. Em started praying again. She knew just the perfect passage she wanted to try. She clapped her hands and started speaking loudly and confident. 
The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. - She stood firmly and raised her fist high. - And we demolish the evil with the power of Gods wrath! - Nearby trees burst into violent white flames with a loud swoosh and started quivering as if they were in horrible pain. It was incredibly hot, yet Emilia was able to walk in-between the fires. She still had her fist high in the air and continued onward with a stone-cold, determined expression. She had a whole park of demonic golems to burn so there was no time to waste. If she doesn't do it fast enough they will grow bigger and bigger. She felt a tingly sensation in her head. A pinch of satisfaction as if she got a pat on a back from an angel. She smiled for a second and continued on with her crusade, leaving only ashes in her wake. 

- You think we can climb down? - Asked Ginger again, a lot more concerned this time. 
- At this point we would splatter our brains on the concrete, so no, I don't think so. - Replied Shubby annoyed. - I might have an idea though... - He went through all the memorized bible verses in his head again. At this point they were around hundred meters from the ground. They were clinging to on side of the building as it was rotating, in few minutes they will have to switch sides to avoid falling off of it. - So when I cast my spells, I use the power that's kind of stored in the verses to create minor wonders right? It's kind of like wishing for something but if God actually listened...
- So what? How blasting demons with fires will help us now?! - Shouted Ginger scared for his life as it was harder and harder to hold on the concrete wall. 
- I will wish for something else today... Hold onto me, we will amplify the intention. 
- Amplify? How?! 
- Trust me! Oh Lord almighty! Let me be your messenger! Let me spread you Word further! - He hugged Ginger and pulled him closer as he let go of the wall.
- What the fuck are you doing Shubby! Let go! you will make us fall! - Shubby wiggled in the air, making Ginger lose his grip, making both of them start falling. Ginger screamed terrified and closed his eyes.
- SO PLEASE GOD, GIVE ME WINGS! - As they were both falling clinging to each other with tears in their eyes. Shubby's clothes were ripped apart as with a bright explosion of red sparks, a pair of giant, grey wings started rapidly growing from his back.  He flapped his wings few times just before hitting the ground, slowing them down. The impact was cushioned just enough so they ended up with just few minor scratches on their hands, shoulders and legs. They laid down in silence, breathing heavily few meters from each other. They slowly stood up. Shubby looked at his wings with his eyes wide open. They spanned for around two meters each. As if a giant eagle sat on his back and spread them. Ginger looked at him and slowly wiped his tears of his face. His expression went from terrified, to shocked, to absolutely furious in just few seconds. 
- ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE!? - He screamed and clenched his fists. 
- I might be... - whispered Shubby still looking at his wings. Ginger took few steps forward and raised his fist. Shubby looked at him still trying to process the situation. Ginger's expression softened and he gave his friend a strong, awkward hug. 
- Next time you fucking warn me alright? I ain't lettin' my friends die so stupidly... - Shubby slowly returned the hug.
- It's alright brother, just have a little faith... - Whispered Shubby. 
- So what do we do now huh? - Asked Ginger while looking around. 
- We should check on the rest. I think am gonna learn how to fly pretty quickly. - He said while stroking his new feathers. - Quite a weird feeling... - Ginger suspiciously touched them and pulled one out. - Ouch! - Grunted annoyed Shubby.
- Yeah they fit you quite well...

Bullterier run out of the park as fast as he could. He didn't look back, He saw the fires for a brief moment and knew Em was more than capable of burning the whole damn forest to the ground. When he approached the playground he was met with quiet a peculiar view. He stopped and held his breath for a moment. The little girl was still playing in the sandpit but this time... She was playing with librarian. His twisted smile and company of a child made him look even more sinister than he would be with his burning eyes. They both slowly turned their heads and looked at the boy. 
- Oh you came back to join us? - Said the girl with a faint smile. The Librarian was still smiling silently as if he was waiting for his reaction. 
- Oh am terribly sorry. We're still playing a different game... - He said cautiously. 
- CORRECT... - The demon smiled even wider. Bullterier knew he couldn't take on the Librarian alone so he started slowly backing up. - I SUPPOSE YOU ALREADY KNOW YOU MADE A MISTAKE BY COMING HERE. - He straightened his posture and stood up. - YOU WANTED TO USE HER AS AN ADVANTAGE DIDN'T YOU? - Bullterier gulped and shook his head slowly. 
- I only wanted to keep her safe from the fire...
- OH DID YOU? - As Librarian said these words, a ring of violet flames instantaneously surrounded Bullterier. - LIAR. YOU SHOULD'VE NEVER SPLIT THE PARTY. - Librarian entered the ring of fire as if  they weren't incredibly hot. Bullterier was sweating profusely from the heat of the nearby flames. - YOU'VE LOST. I WILL TAKE YOUR EYES FOR NOW, IT SHOULDN'T HURT TOO MUCH... 

Doc sat silently besides Hedg. He didn't bother asking Hedg about the situation again. From what he heard, Hedg passed out from the sickness. He just listened. He heard Gigner shouting and something burning loudly in the distance. He had no idea if they were winning, but he surely hoped so. They haven't met a foe that strong and cunning before, but they weren't going down that easily either. He noticed something suspicious. His hand that he put on the concrete beside Hedg to support himself got wet...
- God damn it Hedg did you just fucking piss yourself... - He whispered to his unconscious friend. No reply. It actually got awfully quiet. Doc listened carefully. He couldn't hear Hedg breathing. He touched the liquid on the pavement again. It was weird yet somehow familiar. He smelled it. It didn't stink, it smelled similar to rust. - Hedg? - He asked again while starting to panic. After a moment of trying to navigate through the darkness, he grabbed his friend by his shoulders. He put his head closer to Hedg and listened some more. - Oh god... - He whispered to himself terrified, as Hedg probably couldn't hear him now. He wasn't breathing. His heart wasn't beating. He was probably somewhere else already...

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