Chapter VIII Defenestration Song

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Defenestration - "the action of dismissing someone from a position of power or authority."/"the action of throwing someone out of a window."

The sun was getting low, hiding behind huge, grey blocks of Gdynia. It gave the sky a pinkish hue which greatly contrasted the mostly post-socialist, brutalist, hideous architecture... 

- Why would anyone live that far on the outskirts of Gdynia? - Groaned Hedg facing the floor with his eyes clenched. The sounds of the train were mixed with some kid crying in the back of the wagon. It still smelled in there even after kicking out some drunk that tried to smoke a cigarette inside. 
- At least the view is nice... - Replied Doc with a tired tone. Bullterier and Ginger kept arguing about who's getting an Archangel Michael tattoo as they both wanted it but only if it's unique to one of them. Shubby looked a bit fed up with these childish quarrels. He reminded everyone to visit a shop before going.
- We should buy some bourbon for Bishop before we come... 
- Is he a part of our crew? - Asked them Emilia.
- Kinda... - Replied Hedg while cleaning his flaxen glasses. 
- He's our good friend but he doesn't know about all that paranormal staff. Didn't experience it first hand and he's too sweet as a person to drag him into this. - Explained Shubby.
- He let me sleep in his room when I had nowhere to go and he never even wants anything in return... - Said Hedg. - So we spared him the knowledge. 

They were approaching the last station. With the sun completely gone, only the few lanterns brightened their way. They had to walk on a muddy path through the dark park. While crossing a little wooden bridge over a small river, Emilia felt a weird familiar feeling. Although so faint and short, she sensed a dark presence somewhere in the woods. 

- Shubby? Don't you feel anything? - Shubby looked at her, raising his eyebrows.
- Huh? You mean the Limbo's calling? 
- Yeah... I thought I felt something but I guess it's just my imagination... - Shuby shook his arms.
- I dunno, I don't feel anything. 
- Me neither. - Said Hedg from the front of their group. 
- So you can do it too now? - Asked Bullterier. 
- A little I guess. - He replied humbly with a bland expression on his face. 
- So now you all get some goddamn superpowers and am just here with my brass-knuckles? - Asked Ginger pompously.
- You should be happy you ain't getting your shit kicked in every fight. - Sighed Hedg. 
- Am just so beefy... - Boasted Ginger while flexing his muscles. 
- We're almost there, so shut up both of you. - Said Doc as they left the park and approached an old tenement across the dark, dirty street. It was a quiet place. The building was kept in a rather good condition. Hedg knew Bishop wasn't the only interesting person living there. They knocked on the doors of it's basement and waited in silence. The doors opened loudly and before them stood an interesting looking, young individual. As short as ginger, standing only in his shorts and socks, covered from neck to feet with dozens of different tattoos. He had black eyes and black, short hair and beard.
- What's up amigos? - He made an inviting gesture and greeted everyone with a smile and a hug. - I see a new face huh? You gangsters adopted another one? - Hedg raised his eyebrows and opened his hands in a surrendering motion. 
- They just keep comin'. I think it's just my charisma and looks. - He said with a dry tone and stone face, although you could see it in his eyes, he was truly happy to meet one of his old friends. 

The flat was rather small and soon became crowded. The main room consisted of few armchairs, a small, oval wooden table and a puffy couch. The sound of the tattoo gun mixed with jazz playing from an old radio settled on top of a shelf. Shubby was first to go, getting a simple, Christian cross on his ribs. Quite a painful procedure. Bullterier and Ginger were smoking cigarettes. Bullterier had to flick the ash of Gingers cigarette as he could not reach the basement window placed quite high from the ground. 

- Listen, Hedghog, brother. I ain't complaining, it's quite fun to keep guessing, but you gotta tell me one day. The heck do you guys partake in? It really does look like you guys are in some militia or gang. - He said with a cigarette in his mouth and his eyes focused at Shubbys ribcage, as he was squirming every time the needle poked near the bone. 
- Wait. Hedgehog? - Emilia raised an eyebrow. - So that's where the nickname comes from? Why Hedgehog?
- I had spikes... - Replied Hedg pointing on his hair a little embarrassed. 
- Ohh yeah what a view! - Shouted Ginger from across the room. 
- I might have looked quite fucked up but still better than you without your beard! - He replied irritated. - Anyway Bishop, you can keep guessing... - As he was finishing the sentence he cocked his head and looked through the other window across the room. Emilia noticed a glimpse of excitement in his eyes... - Cause it's probably a lot less interesting than you might think. - He finished slowly with a soft, unassuming tone, suppressing the excited smile that tried to crawl on his mouth. Suddenly, yet again Emilia felt a familiar feeling. Something was lurking in the shadows. She felt cornered. She felt stalked. But it went away as fast as it appeared. 
- Am gonna get some air... - Said Hedg calmly. 
- No worries bro. - Replied Bishop still focused on his work. Emilia gave Hedg a stern look. He blinked to her.
- It's gonna be quick. - No one else seemed to notice anything suspicious. 

Around fifteen minutes passed since Hedg went out. Emilia felt another presence again. She knew that one. The sense of endangerment. A death threat hanging somewhere in the void. 
- Haa Haa alright, am gonna get Hedg his jacket. - She said awkwardly while grabbing it from the hanger. They gave her a weird look but she already left the flat.
- She must really like him huh? - Asked Bishop still focused at the tattoo. - Quite weird...
- Yeah. He's not the nicest guy not gonna lie, but for the love of god, could you please focus on that damn cross!? - Groaned Shubby with tears in his eyes.
- The less you move the less it will hurt... - Replied calmly Bishop.

 As Emilia stepped outside and started looking around, she felt a cold touch on her wrist. As she blinked and turned around, the whole world started spinning around confusingly. She saw kaleidoscopes of places and scenes before her eyes, the reality twisting right in front of her. She focused on the firm hold on her wrist and it grounded her. It stopped just as fast as it started. She realized she was transported to Limbo. A particularly boring one too. Everything looked like it lost colors. Even the grass seemed more lifeless than usual. Hedg let go of her hand. 
- Hope I didn't scared ya. - He said genuinely concerned. The dizziness stopped. 
- Well it was certainly... interesting... - She replied still looking around. 
- I wanted you to take a look cause this limbo... - He looked rather disappointed. - It sucks. It's empty. We need to look around. 
- Yeah, it's rather suspicious... - Despite what Hedg said, Emilia felt something different again. - I don't think today's demon wants us to see it. - Hedg raised his eyebrow suspiciously. 
- Either that or it's not there. 
- Noo Hedg. Something's definitely there...

The sensation of having someone's eyes on your back was quite terrible. Something was DEFINITLY there. Hedg was checking the building while she was checking the surrounding area. She approached a nearby playground. 
- What the actual fu... - She whispered as she noticed she wasn't alone. A young girl was sitting on one of the swings, turned back away from her. Although she was completely still, the swing seemed to start slightly moving on it's own, accompanied by the sound of grinding rusted metal pipes. Emilia noticed girl's clothes weren't right either. She had a light, summer dress that must have had at least fifty years. Not very suitable for the end of October. Emilia was about to get closer to investigate but she heard Hedg shouting. 
- It's here Em! - She saw his head sticking out of one of the second floors window. She immediately abandoned the girl and rushed to help Hedg. She cooled off as a voice in the back of her head said it might be some kind of trap. She slowed down as she approached the room where Hedg supposedly was. She peeked inside and he was standing by a window. On the floor, sitting in a weird limp position was a peculiar body. It was humanoid but insanely malnourished. It's limbs were unnaturally long. It was missing a nose and it's lips were insanely dry and thin. It had no eyeballs although it few dried ones impaled on it's dozens of horns and spikes sticking out of it's head. Overall It looked like a hollow husk. Hedg crouched to take a closer look on the eyeballs. 
- Is it possible to enter dead demons realm? - Asked Emilia. 
- They usually collapse after we kill them. - Whispered Hedg. He looked at Emilia. - Well something certainly isn't right, let's get the rest... - As Hegd was getting up, a dry, shriveled hand grabbed him by his neck. His eyes widened, enraged. Emilia looked aghast as the dead demon, with one swift swing, threw Hedgs body out of the window. The boy gasped in shock as he unwillingly left the building. Monster's head turned to Emilia and smiled wide, showing dozens of his sharp, black teeth...

- NOT SO DEAD AFTER ALL... - She heard a loud voice inside of her head as the whole world started shifting...

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