Chapter III Troops of Tomorrow

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The "party" was a little weird but pleasant. She got to know the odd bunch that called themselves Sopot Boyz (quite a laughable name in her opinion) a bit better. After few glasses of their awfully sour and strong homemade lemonade vodka made by Doc, she was getting tipsy. Bulterier, the tall, blonde, handsome and muscular guy with a peculiar but beautiful face kind of resembling that of a bull terrier (hence the nickname, she guessed), tried to flirt a bit but his attempt was quickly shut down by Hedgs snarky comments. She also noticed that Hedgs initial enthusiasm has died out after around two drinks. He became much more silent and loathful.  On the other hand Shubby and Ginger were having a great time. They were playing guitars and blasting metal loud enough to wake up old ladies two blocks away. She was expecting noise complaints, but the law enforcement haven't knocked on their doors yet. Ginger was too drunk to hold the right tempo, but Emilia was surprised how durable he was as he was headbanging all the way through every song. He was short and hefty with shoulder length, curly hair (which to her surprise was blonde, not ginger) and a nicely trimmed beard. He always had a cigarette behind his ear. His perky smile was the most welcoming one out of the Sopot Boyz. Shubby was playing perfectly and had a beautiful singing voice. He was a metalhead that looked like he was pulled straight out of the 80s. Boy of rather a slim build with a jacket soo full of patches that you could hardly see any jeans material from underneath them.

As it was getting closer to midnight, Emilia was preparing to get back to her apartment. Ginger was almost sleeping on the couch, the rest was smoking cigarettes by the window. Suddenly, the eerie feeling came over her. The same cold wave of anxiety like on a beach earlier. She heard a weird voice that didn't belong to any of the boys. Quiet whispers, but she couldn't understand what they were saying. She felt uncomfortable. She looked at the boys and at the same time Shubby looked directly at her.
- You feel them too? Right? - He asked loudly while ignoring the rest. The room went silent and even Ginger got up from the couch. They were all glancing at her and Shubby with anticipation. She saw a spark of excitement in Hedgs eyes. It was as if he couldn't wait for their opinion. He flicked his half-burnt cigarette through the window and picked up his dark, flaxen glasses from the table.
- Get ready guys. Shubby, take care of Em. Show her some passages. Am goin to scout out. - He said and stormed out of the flat without a further explanation, not even taking any warmer clothes. The boys didn't react and started preparing for a fight. Ginger quickly went to the bathroom and all Emilia could hear was the sound of vomit hitting the porcelain and coughing. Bulterier started changing his clothes on the spot. She looked around at the commotion with utter confusion.
- I can't fight in my moccasins and my finest shirt alright? - Said Bulterier as she was giving him a weird look.
- Passages? - She asked Shubby as he passed her looking for something in a closet behind their coffee table.
- I will explain later, we're still figuring it out...

As Hedg walked out of their apartment he immediately entered the limbo.

Such a familiar feeling... feels almost like home, he thought. Almost.

He couldn't wait to banish another nightmare. He felt his blood getting hotter. Not yet my jailer, he thought. Not yet.

He smiled and lit another cigarette. Let's smoke, the more harm the better. Not much time was left anyway. He thought. Not much, no...

The limbo wasn't fogged this time. Instead, the red moon was shinning bright in the night sky. The streets looked more dirty. The buildings looked older, damaged and hollow. He took a stroll to the beach. The sand turned dark grey. The sea was black with a shining gloss from reflecting the crimson crescent hanging above it.
- Another corpse for the pile... - He said to himself and sighed.

- Bible passages?! - Emilia asked surprised as they were putting their boots on.
- Not only, there's a lot of other stuff that works. But the most important thing is to give the words you say power. Not to brag about myself, but one time a defended myself from a demon by just shouting "fuck off" at it. So like I said, the intentions are the most important.
- How is that even supposed to work?! - She asked even more confused. 
- Depends on the intention. The words have as much power as people give them. Just as in real life. If I told you "you're ugly" it will only affect you if you're insecure and give a shit about it. It won't hurt you if you don't give it power in a first place right?
- Makes sense to me! - Interrupted them Ginger.
- Shut up, you can't even sing the songs properly, not to mention casting damn spells!
- Well at least I can punch them to death instead of reading some lame texts you nerd. - He replied while drunkenly stumbling across the hall, trying to put a wrong boot on his feet.
- Are you guys serious?!
- As serious as we get. - Said Doc, ignoring them and stepping outside. Bulterier was ready too. To her surprise he also got a guitar case on his back, although she didn't see him play. Why would he need that now? She shook her head in disbelief and decided to just go with it. They seemed to know what they're doing. More or less... 

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