Chapter V Beware

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- ... deliver us from evil. Amen. - She finished whispering her prayer and pointed the palm of her hand at the horror in front of her. She felt all the frustration and fear lifting up as a bright white lighting pierced the sky and hit the Emperor. It was not enough to bring him down. It still screeched in a frenzied rage and lashed out at the rest of the Sopot Boyz. Entranced, she started muttering another prayer. The situation was dire. They were hurt and tired. Even the most resilient of them, Ginger, suffered great wounds. But seemingly out of nowhere they heard a laugh. It was faint and weak. But as Hedg raised from the black sands with a crazed smile, his voice became louder. It was almost as if it wasn't his. The eerie laughter was resonating. She noticed his glasses were broken. His eyes were bright red. And not only the pupils. They looked like they were replaced with crimson diamonds. Wet from his own blood, he started slowly walking towards the fight. The boys and Emilia, and even the Emperor stopped to look at him.
- Finally! You showed your true colors boy! Tell me, what are you exactly? - Asked the Emperor.
- I am wrath, a lord of Limbo, a devourer, I am the end! - Replied Hedg with a smile. - And you are just another corpse on my pile... - With incredible reflex and speed, he flinged his pocket knife and threw it at the beasts head, actually hitting it in the back of it's wide open mouth. It started spitting blood everywhere and it run up to Hedg. The fight resumed. The crew, still shocked by their friends resurrection, fought with newfound vigor, tearing the monster limb by limb. Shubby was screaming prayers ferociously. Even Emilia awoken from her little catalepsy and shouted another prayer.
- Enlighten me this day, and save me from all evil! - For a brief moment she was filled with courage and a sense of righteous fury. She wanted to purge the foul beast from existence. Energy surged through her and white lightning bolts expelled from her hands, knocking down the monster. She felt like she was in the right place, like that was her duty, her fate. It spitted out more blood and manage to also vomit out Hedges knife. He looked barely alive, yet he caught it mid air. Smiling to the Emperor he started stabbing it's head and eyes. 
- Blood for blood! - He screamed with his eerie, resonating voice. Demon started struggling like a wild animal, but it stood no chance. All tired and bloodied, yet they were still all on it. 







As it helplessly screeched one last time, the wailing mixed with Hedgs laughter. He was clearly enjoying himself too much. The monstrosity laid silent. He was still cackling a bit, barely standing. He looked at Emilia and smiled one last time before falling to the ground face first...

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