Chapter VI Throat Full of Glass

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Awfully silent and barely awake. Wet, dirty, bloodied and uneasy. They all sat in the sacristy of Saint Georges Church at the top of Monte Cassino street. The tall neogothic church was towering over the dark alleys of old houses of Sopot and welcoming everyone that was entering the main street from the top. Carrying Hedg from down the boulevard wasn't an easy task, but luckily for them blood spilled in limbo didn't carry over to the physical world. It would be almost a kilometer long trail of blood from the sea all the way up to the church. Quite impressive, the amount of blood this frail man had in him.
- So what's the deal with Father Jon? - Asked Emilia, trying to break the tense silence. 
- A friendly priest, helps us with our "bible study". Very welcoming man, very understanding. - Said Shubby quietly, sitting on the cold floor against the wall. His voice was quiet and hoarse. 
- And most importantly, he doesn't ask too many questions. 
- Sad it can't be told about the rest of 'em. - Replied Bullterier. Even he lost a bit of his courage. 
- Did you catch how many wounds carried over to the Physical? - Asked Ginger. - Am not usually the one to ask questions, but that bastard better live. He got a lot of explaining to do.
- Doc must be goin crazy right now. - Said Shubby.
- Yeah what exactly was that? That voice... did that happen before? - Emilia was fuming over the idea they could trust him that easily if things like that happened before, or that even she trusted him to some degree.
- Not as much as this time... - Whispered Shubby.
- Usually he's just raging or enjoying the fight. The voice is certainly something new. - Said Bullterier, lost in his thoughts. 
- Don't forget the part where he cheated death. - Added Ginger snarly. - Endless night? Lord of Limbo? He went absolutely bonkers this time. How did he even do that?
- He said his strength comes from fighting them. Being in the Limbo. Might be true to some extent but am not buying it anymore... There's something more to it. - Said Shubby looking at his clenched fists... 

Two awfully long hours passed. They were all stitched up and bandaged where needed. Father Jon and Doc knew what they were doin, wasn't the first time after all. They left unconscious Hedg to rest in the other room for a moment. He was stable although recovery might take months. 
- Soo... what exactly was that this time huh? - Asked them the priest. He was a middle aged man of average height with slick, dark hair with heavy signs of greying. He looked quite troubled but not as much as if he saw them like that for the first time.
- Car crash. - Replied steadily Ginger. Doc, Bullterier and Shubby groaned in exasperation rolling their eyes.  
- Third one this year? You boys need some driving lessons... - He ignored them, trying to act like he believed him. Futile attempt. - God must have mighty plans for all of you. - He was speaking softly, almost as if he had pity for them. - I see a new face amongst you. Good that you have picked up this girl. I can tell she's a faithful one. Back in my days...  
- We know, it was wild before father became a priest. But it might not be the time for this kind of stories. - Shubby cut him off mid sentence. 
- Ahh yes, yes I suppose... - He looked a bit embarrassed. They all jumped up suddenly as the door swung open. Hedg stood in the doorframe, unhinged. Only in his trousers. Wrapped in bandages on his arms, chest, and abdomen. With messy hair and annoyed look on his face.
- Jesus Christ! - Shouted Jon before realizing what he said and covering his mouth. 
- What's up. Y'all look surprised... - He said in a tired tone. 
- How the fuck are you even standing!? - Shouted Doc. 
- I dunno, it ain't too bad. I just gotta walk it off you know. 
- Walk off a car crash... - Replied father Jon while making a cross sign.
- Car crash ey? - Asked Hedg. Jon looked at him confused. 
- That' not important! - Said Ginger stuttering. - God I want to knock him out soo badly. - He got angry again.
- No violence in the house of God. - Jon softly put his hand on Gingers shoulder. 
- Anyways! We all good? Yes? Yes! Alright let's het back to our base. - Said Bullterier standing up and grabbing his things. They all rushed to get dressed. Emilia and Shubby helped Hedg put on his clothes, which he declined at first, but after trying to do it himself it turned out to be too painful in this state. - We can talk with Father Jon later. We're incredibly sorry about our nightly interference. As always, may God be with you. - Said the tall handsome boy and opened the door out. 
- I will pray for all of you rapscallions! - Replied Jon jokingly but with a worried look on his face.
- Sure thing father Jon! - Said Shubby with a little bit of a fake smile on his way out. 
- Be safe children...

They stumbled into their house. Surprisingly Hedg could almost walk by himself. It looked like he was getting better every minute. He sat on the couch with a heavy groan and looked down on the floor for a second. They all stood around him, unsure. 
- I suppose you guys have some questions? - He asked looking up at them. His face became serious all of the sudden. 
- The hell we do! - Replied Ginger. Hedg raised his eyebrow. 
- What in the everloving fuck was that on the beach Hedg?! - Asked Doc.
- I would tell you if I knew. I don't know exactly. 
- You never know, that's the thing. I think you're hiding something. - Replied Doc moving his face closer. - Tell us everything. - He said grinding his teeth. 
- No need for that attitude. - Hedg kept his straight face. His eyes were piercing through Docs soul, trying to intimidate him. - Alright let's start at the beginning. You know. The basics. I never told you guys my age did I?
- Somehow you omitted it every time we tried to ask you that. - Replied Ginger shrugging. 
- Because it's weird. You see am not sure either. I don't remember much about the time before I entered Limbo for the first time.
- How? How do you not remember your age?! - Shubby was pulling his hair, looking like he could go mad at any second. 
- Spending that much time there gets you pretty messed up you know... - He replied slowly. Emilia sensed a bit of sadness in this sentence.
- How much exactly? - Asked Doc.
- You wouldn't believe anyway. - Said Hedg nonchalantly. - But if you have to know I think I am around fourteen, not counting the years that have been stolen from me. And I escaped here in Tricity, so it's almost a one forth of my life. You were the first I told about all this crap, remember? First I've trusted not to take me as a total schizo... - He really did look hurt by saying that. - So like I said, Limbo does mess people up. It changed me, it left a mark. That's my explanation. That's my theory and you can wipe your ass with it for all I care! That fight on a beach? It was a goddamn fever dream. I just didn't feel anything. No pain. From my perspective, I just stood from the ground and enjoyed killing another one of them suckers like always. It's like an autopilot at this point. - Hedg looked defeated. - Are you happy? Are you all happy with your answers?! - He asked with his eyes filled with sorrow and grief, his teeth gritting and fists clenched as he stood up from the couch to look at all of them from the same level. - Just remember we're all in this shit together. We need to stand together as one. We're the only ones that can counter them... - They were all stunned all of the sudden as Hedg showed them his actual emotions. A display of his real hopes and worries he faces. First time they would see him like that. Before he stormed out to his room, Emilia noticed a single teardrop running down his cheek. 

They couldn't say a word.

As if their throats were full of glass. 

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