Chapter 4: Rollin - Ryan Trey

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The party could be heard from down the block. The thumping music, the girls wore tiny dresses and the guys wore basic plain outfits. It was almost comical knowing some of these students would someday be the leaders and innovators of the country.

The house that the party was at was definitely a frat house. It stood tall and wide, from a distance it looked like a small White House. Demarcus was about to text Kenny when a familiar voice called out to him making him turn. Kenny clicked and clacked her way to Demarcus who was almost at eye level with her in heels. Trailing behind her was a small group of about 4 other girls.

"You made it," she said loudly trying to be heard over the thumping music that literally blared out the home. "You look good," she commented on his all black outfit, "Its giving Blade but that's okay, he's hot anyways."

It wasn't a flirty comment, at least that's not the vibe Demarcus was getting from Kenny. Kenny took one of the girl's hands and interlaced their fingers together before heading up to the house.

A tall burly man stood near the entrance and was about to stop Kenny and her girls from entering when someone from inside the home opened the door.

"Kenny!" yelled the tall man, "Come on in, the party's just getting started!"

"Theo!" Kenny yelled back, she would have almost forgotten about Demarcus who lingered back if not for the other man's gaze, Kenny looked back with a cheeky smile, "That's my cousin, Demarcus. Let's show him how we do it at Stonewell."

Theo smiled back, even with the colorful lights flickering in the dark background his deep dimpled smile shined through. "What are you doing standing there? Come on in, cousin Demarcus."

Demarcus made his way up the steps and through the door where he was met with a swarm of bodies. Twerking, grinding, humping, smoking, drinking, you name it someone was doing it, all in the darkness of the home. The flashing lights being the only thing illuminating the space.

Kenny tapped Demarcus to get his attention, "I would introduce you to some people but this party is raging a lot more than I was expecting. If you want to go just text and I'll find you. Theo is cool peoples so I'd suggest you stay near him but have fun!" Demarcus turned to yell back his response but Kenny and her girls were gone.

Demarcus quickly scanned the sea of people that occupied the huge space. The colorful lights and thumping music were honestly sensory overkill, Demarcus hadn't even taken a sip of alcohol but felt drunk simply standing in the foyer.

He pushed his way through the crowd, girls grabbed at him, some tried to grind or dance on him, even a guy tried to push up onto Demarcus before he finally made it to his destination. The kitchen; it was dimly lit and bottles littered the kitchen island; less people occupied the space which made it easier to breath and compose oneself.

Demarcus saw a bottle of Malibu and grabbed it. He found a Styrofoam cup and poured the liquor into the cup filling it a little past half way. He took as big a gulp of the clear rum as he could, feeling it burn a trail from his throat to his stomach instantly making his body temperature rise. He closed his eyes for a second feeling everything around him. The high pitch ringing in his ears drowned out the music blaring. It sounded muffled and distant, the shadows of the crowd's dancing bodies made it seem like there were a lot more people in the home, arms were raised in the air as people danced, groups of party goers were cheering each other on as they chugged their drinks. Girls were taking shotskis together while others were taking boob shots.

Demarcus took a deep breath and smiled to himself. "What's so funny?" The deep voice startled Demarcus, making his head whip up meeting a pair of light brown eyes.

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