Chapter 11: MADE 4 U (feat. Syd) - Leven Kali

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Mid – Late December

The days went by like a blur. In the blink of an eye, Christmas break had arrived. Stonewell University was closed for the break excluding the on-campus library and food hall. It was also a plus that winter break for Stonewell was a month long, perks of being a privately-run institute. A majority of their students went back home or decided to travel during the break. Kenny and Damien included. Damien went on vacation a week before winter break started without saying a word to Demarcus who was getting deeper and more entangled with Theo Nunez, Damien's captain.

After the victory dinner incident, a couple months ago, Damien decided to confide in Shade about what happened. He truly thought Shade would side with him on the issue but instead the mercury eyed man completely ripped Damien a new one, giving him a well-deserved reality check.

Damien's toxicity when it came to sexual and romantic relationships was the reason Demarcus pushed him away. It wasn't until Shade harshly pointed that out that Damien actually took a moment to reflect on his actions and how he treated Demarcus. He put himself in Demarcus's shoes and understood why the man would accept his overdue, half-baked and quite frankly disingenuous apology. Demarcus was forced into self-preservation mode to protect his sanity and peace causing Damien to lose a close friend and then some.

Demarcus on the other hand was living his life to the fullest it could be. His genealogy report was finally mailed to him after a long 2 month wait and said that his chances of being a dominant carrier was a 15 percent chance based on his gene's history. In the entire Steel bloodline, they could only find two carriers and it was highly probable that both were recessive. But all of this was speculation on the universities side since research into Carriers was extremely limited. Nonetheless his low percentile still merited a precaution gift basket from the university genealogy department full of condoms, informational brochures on what to do should an unwanted or expected pregnancy occur, help groups for young expectant parents and grief counseling for those who chose to terminate.

Demarcus told Theo about his results and Theo was indifferent at best. According to the caramel eyed man Demarcus's ability or lack thereof of getting pregnant didn't change how he felt about the dark-skinned man. With that being said they still practiced safe sex even if they had a couple slip ups which resulted in negative pregnancy tests.

Over the next couple of months Demarcus learned so much about Theo Nunez. Theo was a legacy student through and through. Both his parents attended Stonewell along with their parents and their parents. He was named after his great-great-great grandfather Theodore who didn't build Stonewell University but heavily funded it during its inception.

Because of this anyone in the Nunez lineage was allowed lenient admission into the university regardless of academics or athletic capabilities but even with that handicap the Nunez's prided themselves on producing intelligent men and women who could enter the university by their own merit as well as sponsoring those who were financially disadvantaged.

Theo came from a well-rounded background and Demarcus couldn't help but love it while also being very much intimidated by it. Theo was the youngest child out of 4 and all familial eyes seemed to be on him and his success at Stonewell both academically and athletically. Especially since he was a junior and would be graduating in two semesters. The pressure to uphold the Nunez legacy was definitely high.


Demarcus laid in the center of Theo's massive Alaskan king-sized bed wrap up in the pearly beige silk sheets that contrasted sharply against his deep chocolate complexation staring at the swirly white and gold designs of the ceiling in Theo's room at the Nunez estate. The sunlight poured into the room through the large floor to ceiling arched windows and sheer drapes. Demarcus had laid in that bed, in various positions before, but could never get used to how huge and unnecessary the bed was. How extravagant everything the Nunez's owned was.

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