Chapter 12: Mount Everest - Labrinth

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Theo quickly went to Demarcus who was still sitting up in the bed confused and scooped him up princess style like he weighed nothing.

"What the hell is going on?" Demarcus asked as Theo made quick strides to the bathroom shutting the door behind him.

Theo didn't say a word as he placed Demarcus on the toilet so gravity could do its thing and the rest of his fluids would come out of Demarcus. Theo turned on the shower letting the water run before he turned the Demarcus.

"Remember when I told you I technically live here alone since everyone else has their own lives?" Theo asked referring to the Nunez estate that used to be a vacation home turned permanent residence for Theo, Demarcus nodded his head yes, "Well it slipped my mind that my oldest brother has a shitty habit of flying in on a whim and showing up to his sibling's homes unannounced."

"We need to shower and get dressed, I didn't park in the garage like usual so he knows I'm home, and he has a key." Theo said hopping into the shower to rinse the smell of sex off him. Demarcus joined him after a few minutes, his locs in a bun and his back to Theo. Theo ran his hands down Demarcus's back stopping just before his ass trying to have some self-control. "I promise we'll talk about earlier once Xavier's gone."

Demarcus finally turned to face Theo who had a reassuring smile on his face as he squirted soap onto a washcloth. Theo lathered Demarcus up with soap before doing the same for himself with the other man's help.

After they were done showering and drying off the two got dressed before heading out to go find where Xavier could be.

Demarcus was quietly thinking to himself as he trailed behind Theo. Would he be okay with being pregnant? How long would he have to wait until he knew? Did he even want to carry it to full term? There were ways to get rid of it...

Demarcus looked up at Theo as he walked ahead of him. His broad shoulders and strong back swayed gently as he walked. Would Theo be okay with it? Would he want it? He's the fourth son of a wealthy family, would they accept a child born out of wedlock? Would they accept a mixed child?

While they were showering and getting dressed Demarcus noticed Theo stealing glances at his stomach. Theo was trying to be nonchalant about it but he was obviously thinking about it too.

The sound of something clattering followed by the loud crash of breaking glass broke Demarcus from his thoughts. As he followed a now briskly walking Theo into the huge all white kitchen. Crouched near the sink was a tall looking man with wavy dirty blonde hair tied in a small bun. The sides were shaved down but it looked like he was growing it back out. He was wearing an expensive cream suit picking up pieces of a broken mug. When he stood Demarcus couldn't help the twitch he felt behind his eye as the blonde man was nearly the same height as Theo, maybe 1 inch taller if that was possible.

Xavier looked like Theo with opposite color pallets. Xavier was fair skinned, blonde haired and blue eyed. The complete opposite of Theo who has tan, with brown hair and caramel colored eyes. They both had similar facial features and similar builds. The only difference Demarcus could see was that Xavier had an array of beauty marks scattered sparsely about his face and a tattoo on his neck that was peeking out from under the collar of his button-down shirt.

"Theodore!" Xavier said loudly when he saw his younger brother who looked less than pleased at the man's presence, "I've missed you so, baby brother." Xavier placed the broken bits of the mug on the counter before walking towards Theo.

Demarcus expected a hug or a handshake between the two brothers but to his surprise Xavier grabbed Theo by the face before planting an over exaggerated peck on top of his distressed younger brother's forehead.

"Would you quit doing that?" Theo was clearly embarrassed by Xavier's actions pushing his hands off his face.

The whole scene reminded Demarcus of those cat videos where the owners would give their annoyed cats a million kisses in quick succession on the top of their heads. The comparison had Demarcus chuckling to himself as he imagined Theo as a grumpy cat when it came to dealing with his family. The quiet chuckling caught the attention of both brothers as they turned to Demarcus who was suddenly the center of attention.

Xavier's piercing blue eyes raked over Demarcus's body as a smiled formed on his face. Completely forgetting about Theo, Xavier waltzed over to Demarcus grabbing the surprised man's hand pulling it up placing a gentle peck on the back of his hand.

"And who might you be?" Xavier said curiously, still holding onto Demarcus's hand.

Demarcus wasn't sure what to do in this situation. He didn't want to be rude by yanking his hand away from Theo's brother. Luckily Demarcus didn't have to worry about that as Theo yanked him away from Xavier hugging the shorter man to his chest.

"My boyfriend." Theo said to Xavier who had a smirk on his face.

"Uh huh, and does boyfriend have a name?" Xavier asked playfully, clearly amused with Theo's actions and sudden protectiveness.

"Demarcus." Demarcus replied, watching Xavier's blue eyes sparkle a bit.

"Demarcus... rolls off the tongue nicely." Xavier said aloud but it seemed like he was talking more to himself than Theo and Demarcus. Xavier was about to say something when the sound of a phone buzzing interrupted.

Turning away from Demarcus and Theo to take the call; Xavier started speaking quietly in another language. Demarcus picked up on a few words realizing it was French.

With a deep disappointed sigh Xavier hung up his phone turning to Theo and Demarcus who were still hugged up on each other seeing as Theo had yet to release Demarcus.

"Well kids, I must bid you adieu. Time is money and I have some business to attend to." Xavier said, fixing his already pristine suit. "I'll be in town for a while, we should have dinner. Say Friday next week at 8? You can't say no by the way, winter break for Stonewell started like 2 days ago, right?" Xavier didn't care to hear the answer to his question before meeting Demarcus's chocolate eyes with his icy orbs, "You're invited too Demarcus, that's nonnegotiable."

With that Xavier sought himself out of the Nunez estate just as quickly as he came in. The loud roar of his car's engine followed by loud music could be heard slowly getting quieter as Xavier drove off the property.

"He's quite the character." Demarcus said finally being released by Theo who went to clean up Xavier's mess with a scowl on his face.

"He's insane and a sadistic pervert." Theo said annoyed that Xavier would be visiting them again. He was honestly pissed that Xavier was even in the same country.

"He wasn't that bad, maybe a little strange. The hand kiss was awkward though." Demarcus said unconsciously rubbing at the spot Xavier kissed earlier.

Theo cleaned up the kitchen with a sigh. He placed both hands on the kitchen island, "He wants to fuck you." Theo said bluntly, "Xavier has a nasty habit of touching things that aren't his."

Demarcus felt his body heat up at that unsettling revelation. Even though it was obvious what Xavier wanted it didn't make it any less uncomfortable hearing it be stated aloud, by Theo no less.

Demarcus went to the column fridge going over its contents before getting a bottle of apple juice he was about to close the fridge door before he got a bottle for Theo too. Demarcus went and sat at one of the bar stools at the kitchen island. He slid the extra apple juice bottle over to Theo.

While Xavier was an interesting topic of discussion there were more pressing matters to deal with.

"We need to talk."

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