Legal Trouble

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Michael and Maddie arrive at Solomon's office to find Devin and Molly there. Devin wants to pull the plug on the movie Meltdown. He says in doing it now when production is nearly finished, the investors will get a massive insurance payout. Conveniently, Devin is one of the investors.

Devin then wants to use the money to pay off the other shareholder, who is Solomons son, and tear the place down to build new condos. Solomon then bursts in, holding on to the film reel. Molly forcibly takes the reel away from Solomon.

Solomon asks if Michael and Maddie can do something. Michael and Maddie don't want their first film to be destroyed so they chase Molly, who is heading towards Los Santos International Airport. Devin calls them on the way, telling them to stop and that they won't be able to get the film back due to Molly having a police escort.

Devin's pleas don't work and Michael and Maddie catch up to Molly and continues chasing her around the airport and its runway. The police plea with Molly to pull over but she drives erratically, causing the escort to crash into each other or planes. Molly eventually stops at Devin's private hanger and gets out of her car with the film.

Michael and Maddie then chase Molly on foot through the hanger. Molly, not looking where she's going, gets sucked into a jet engine, killing her instantly. Michael and Maddie pick up the film reel that she dropped. Michael and Maddie must lose any wanted level that they have before the mission can be completed.

When the mission is complete, Michael and Maddie will tell Solomon they have the reel. Solomon then admits he has digital back-ups, revealing that the chase and Molly's death was for nothing.

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