Minor Turbulence

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Franklin heads to Michael's house, looking for him. When he notices the house is empty, he gives Michael a call. Michael answers and explains to Franklin that he, Maddie and Trevor have to lay low for a while due to Trevor and Maddie kidnapping Madrazo's wife Patricia.

After the call ends, Trevor and Maddie introduce Ron to Michael and Patricia. Trevor and Maddie ask Ron about how business is going for Trevor and Maddie Philips Enterprises. It's not been going well but Ron thinks he's on to something to do with Merryweather. They have a big cache of weapons coming in via plane and Ron thinks Trevor and Maddie might want to requisition it.

Trevor and Maddie are delighted with the news. Michael wants in but Trevor and Maddie tell him to stay behind as he's a wanted man and just takes Ron with them. Trevor, Maddie and Ron head to the McKenzie Airfield. Trevor and Maddie don't want to deal with Merryweather on the ground so they get in a Duster to meet them in the air.

Trevor and Maddie find the cargo plane and follows it, staying close to the ground so they don't alert the plane as they're in restricted airspace. Trevor and Maddie follow the plane through Paleto Bay and back into Sandy Shores. Once out of military airspace, Trevor and Maddie start gaining altitude so he can get closer to the plane.

As Trevor and Maddie get closer to the plane, the pilot orders Trevor and Maddie to divert their course otherwise they'll be forced to shoot them down. Trevor and Maddie ignore the planes warnings and keeps tailing. The pilot opens the back of the plane so Merryweather guards can shoot Trevor and Maddie down but Trevor and Maddie fly into the back of the plane, crashing their Duster and giving them an opening to get onboard.

Once onboard, Trevor and Maddie deal with the Merryweather guards while making their way towards the cockpit. Once there, they take out the pilot and take control of the plane. Trevor and Maddie attempt to land the plane at McKenzie Field but is intercepted by US Air Force fighter jets, who are aware that the plane has been hijacked. Trevor and Maddie are told to change course to Fort Zancuado otherwise the jets will engage.

Trevor and Maddie ignore the warnings, causing the jets to engage and destroy one of the engines. With the plane now going down, Trevor and Maddie abort the plane, jumping from the back and using a parachute to land safely. Trevor and Maddie watch on as the plane crashes into the Alamo Sea. The mission ends once Trevor and Maddie get to ground.

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