Bury the Hatchet

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Trevor and Maddie shows up at Michael's house, wanting to hang out. The trio talk about Michael's family and Trevor and Maddie bring up breaking Brad out of prison again. Querying what happened in North Yankton, Trevor and Maddie ask Michael who was buried in his place with Michael saying he never gave it any thought. Something snaps in Trevor's and Maddie's heads and they shout "you're fucking dead" to Michael, before running out of the house. Michael chases after them as he realizes that Trevor and Maddie might have figured out that Brad is in fact dead.

Play switches to Trevor and Maddie, who has stolen Michael's car and is driving towards Sandy Shores Airfield. Michael calls them and tells them they don't need to go to North Yankton and that Michael will tell them everything. Trevor and Maddie decline and say they want to see it for themselves. If the player switches to Michael, he'll be driving to Los Santos International Airport. He also calls Dave to warn him that he thinks Trevor and Maddie know.

Trevor and Maddie then get into a plane at Sandy Shores and flies to North Yankton. On the way there, Trevor and Maddie receive a text from Ron saying Wei Cheng's men are looking for them. Michael travels to North Yankton via a commercial flight. As Michael pulls up to the airport, it's revealed that Wei Cheng's men have been tailing him.

Once at North Yankton, Trevor and Maddie head to Michael's grave and digs it up. Michael arrives and tries to persuade them not to but Trevor and Maddie ignore him and opens the coffin to find their suspicions are confirmed, Brad is the one dead and buried in Michael's grave. The trio then argue and have a standoff, Maddie and Trevor pointing pistols at Michael and Michael pointing his back at them.

Wei Cheng's men arrive just as Trevor and Maddie were going to shoot Michael but their guns jam. They throw their guns at Michael and escapes, leaving Michael to deal with Cheng's men. Michael shoots his way out of the cemetery and gets to his car. His car doesn't start as Trevor and Maddie have immobilized it and finds himself surrounded by Cheng's men. They tell him to get out of the car and the screen goes black.

Play is switched back to Trevor and Maddie, who are flying their plane back to Sandy Shores. On the way back, Wei Cheng calls them saying they've captured Michael and will kill him unless Trevor and Maddie give up their business in Blaine County. Cheng has also assumed they're gay lovers and Maddie is both of their wife, thinking this will sway Trevor and Maddie into giving up their business. Trevor just laughs and sarcastically tells Cheng to tell Michael he loves him and that Maddie is his sister.

Lamar also texts them to say they're going to get the last car for Devin and wants to know if Trevor and Maddie will be helping. Trevor and Maddie land at the airfield, completing the mission.

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