Monkey Business

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Michael, Franklin, Maddie and Trevor all meet at a dock at Cape Catfish. Haines and Dave show up, asking where everyone is. The job is supposed to be a six-man job but no one told the quartet to get a bigger crew. They go to leave but Haines believes they can do it alone but the quartet isn't happy with that. reluctantly, Haines and Dave join the crew.

Michael, alongside Haines and Dave, get in scuba suits and take a Dinghy to the Humane Labs and Research facility. Once there, they dive underwater and approach an underwater exhaust shaft to gain entrance to the facility. Michael uses an oxy-hydro cutter to cut down the grill obstructing their entrance. The trio then makes their way through the tunnel and into the facility.

They make their way around the facility, with Michael using a stun gun to stun any scientists or guards in their way. They make their way to the lab which is holding the chemical weapon but a scientist has locked himself in from the inside. Another scientist comes along and Michael shoots him with the stun gun, scaring the other scientist into unlocking the lab.

Michael grabs the nerve agent and the trio start to escape. They need to get out quick as the nerve agent needs to be in a refrigeration unit. An alarm goes off stating the facility has been breached meaning Michael, Haines and Dave now need to fight their way out. They make their way outside and Michael is able to put the nerve agent in a refrigeration unit.

Play then switches to Trevor and Maddie, who are piloting a Cargobob to come and collect the nerve agent, now inside a container. As they're hooking up the container to the Cargobob, Haines says the job is now too risky as more security agents arrive.

Michael disagrees and wants a solution. Michael and Dave hook up the container and escape with Trevor and Maddie in the Cargobob.

Haines stays behind and shoots himself in the leg. He pretends to be a hero but is detained instead. Trevor and Maddie take the Cargobo to the Sandy Shores Airfield and puts the container on a truck that Franklin has driven over. Dave leaves with the truck.

Michael and Maddie receive a message from Lester saying Madrazo has accepted Michael, Maddie and Trevor's peace offering of the ancient artifact and Michael and Maddie are now out of exile. Trevor just needs to give Patricia back. Play switches to Trevor who is driving Patricia back to Madrazo. Trevor is upset as he's grown fond of Patricia but knows he has to be loyal to his wife. Patricia tells him she will miss him but she has to go home. As Trevor drops Patricia off, he threatens Madrazo, telling him he better treat Patricia right. Maddie calls Trevor and Patricia tells her she's sorry for everything and Maddie forgives her.

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