The Hotel Assassination

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Franklin meets Lester on a beach at Vespucci Beach. Lester knows Franklin needs money and has a few jobs lined up for him. Lester tasks Franklin with assassinating Brett Lowrey, CEO of Bilkinton Research. Brett has been making medicines that aren't compliant and paying the FDA to pass them.

Lester tells Franklin that Brett is currently staying at the Von Crastenburg Hotel and it's best to hit him while he's leaving. This can either be done in two ways, he can either be shot by a sniper rifle or plant a sticky bomb on his car and detonate it while he's in it.

Once at the hotel, Franklin hides out in a multi-story car park, across the way from the hotel's entrance. Once the task is done, Franklin flees the scene. He'll only generate a wanted level if he is seen.

Franklin calls Lester to let him know the job was successful. Lester tells Franklin that these jobs are getting a little successful and he needs to buy some tangible assets. Lester buys a house in Vinewood Hills and needs someone to live there for tax purposes. He chooses Franklin and has some guys start to move his stuff over. Franklin is overjoyed at the fact he doesn't have to live with his aunt anymore.

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