Marriage Counseling

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Michael comes home, looking for Amanda. He searches the house and finds two tennis rackets outside the front door. He goes up to his bedroom to find Amanda's tennis coach, Kyle in their bed. Amanda and Kyle try and calm Michael down but it isn't working so Kyle jumps out of the window.

Franklin shows up at Michael's front door, wondering what is going on. Michael explains the situation and asks Franklin if he's in to hunt Kyle down, which he gladly accepts.

The pair leave in a borrowed pick-up truck and pursue Kyle by road. They eventually lose him but Michael knows he lives up in the canyon. They carry on and find his car outside a house. Kyle tries to reason with Michael again from the deck of the house but Michael is still angry.

He and Franklin use a cable wire from the back of the truck to tie around one of the supports of the house. Michael gets back into the truck and accelerates, eventually causing the beam to break and the house to collapse.

The pair drive away but Kyle calls Michael to explain that wasn't his house, he was just hiding there. A woman comes on the phone, threatening Michael saying "Martin Madrazo give you green light". Now with a hit out on him, Michael is now tasked with losing Madrazo's goons. Once they're dealt with, the pair head back to Michael's house.

As they arrive, a car drives up to Michael's house. It's Madrazo and some of his goons. Franklin recognises Madrazo and explains to Michael who he is saying that he was a businessman wrongfully accused of running a Mexican American gang and a narcotic ring. The charges were dropped due to witnesses going missing.

Madrazo then starts to beat Michael with a baseball bat, asking why he pulled down his house. Michael explains his reasoning. Instead of carrying on his beating, Madrazo demands Michael pays for the damages, stating the repairs to cost around $2.5 million. With this, Michael now has to postpone his retirement and find the money the only way he knows how to, through robbery.

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