Boiler Suits

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This mission can be completed using either Michael, Franklin, Maddie or Trevor.

The group all meet at the oil barracks in El Burro Heights and are joined by Haines, Sanchez and Dave. The FIB have another task for the trio. The IAA has secured some funds that the FIB need to use in their fight against crime so they can bribe corrupt officials.

The IAA is getting the funds from selling drugs and the FIB believe they'll start a war on the streets. Michael, Franklin, Maddie and Trevor are tasked with retrieving the funds for the FIB.

The trio is left to their own devices on they get the task done. Michael comes up with a plan called "Blitz Play". A trash truck to block, a tow truck to sack them plus some disguises.

The first task is obtaining the boiler suits for the disguise. The boiler suits are located at the Ammu-nation in Strawberry. Once they are purchased, the mission is over.

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